Medallion, Event 116: Act 3 Solo
To see your points in the current season (and its prizes), go to this page.
You are also able to view your season and events history on your profile page, under the Seasons & Events section. Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event. A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing. Dead characters will still receive reward points. A summary of Alternate Start events: Unlike regular races, Alternate Start events do not begin in Act 1, Normal. They can begin in any act or difficulty after that. These areas are the same level as they appear in the regular game, and are not scaled down for these events. To compensate, Alternate Start Events provide pre-levelled characters with unallocated skill trees, who start with basic gear and skill gems appropriate to their level. These race types are also voided. This event begins in Act 3, Normal, in The Sarn Encampment. Characters start at Level 22, with 25 unallocated passives. They have allied with Eramir when dealing with the bandits. Top Prizes: The overall top player by experience will receive 3 Reward Points. The top 20 players of each class by experience will receive:
Prizes for reaching specific levels:
Quest Prizes: The first player to complete each of these quests wins the prize listed.
Full-clear Prizes: The first player to kill all of the monsters in any of the following areas will receive:
Random Prizes: Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
Gameplay & Level Design Need help? Contact Last bumped on Aug 17, 2016, 5:05:34 PM
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Which zone is the best to farm in, in this race? Dried Lake?
" Dried Lake is not in Act 3, it's in Act 4. But yeah to go to higher levels, it's a good area. Last edited by neva2b4got#4732 on Aug 17, 2016, 9:27:41 AM
" Dried lake if you're fast, docks if you don't want to risk |
Can I find a list anywhere which are the starting items for the classes of these kind of races?
" You can register 30 minutes prior to a race, so you have plenty of time to check out all class items imo. Other than that, I recall I once saw them in the wiki but I wont be able to give you a link. edit: okay maybe I will - wiki Last edited by Marttern#7513 on Aug 17, 2016, 3:17:02 PM
Lag spike again and got 1 shot by piety frost arrow :/
Man I have no idea how to do this or a2 solo. Can't seem to make it.
needs 10 more minutes
There was a typo in my name, I apologise for the confusion.
had a decent gilded axe with attack speed and a green socket for blood rage; then switched to a HUGE DPS talon axe without a green socket. it was definitely worse. shoulda hit 37. i am bad. oh wait i can just link them cant i: nice! saboteur! Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on Aug 17, 2016, 4:54:08 PM