Short term PvP balance needs

Pvp unique ideas:

Boots - elemental res can't be penetrated

3 edgy 5 me.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Forget T values, just set everyones hp/es to 1.

bullet time!

Balance trolling aside, GGG could make sarn arena pretty interesting if they had occasional cycling mods or occasional mini quests/ event objectives. Sometimes I play defend the hostage (try to protect a random player when the Leo daily is to survive), but it's not as satisfying compared to something actually supported. Usually the other player doesn't realize what you're doing, and either flees in terror from you or tries to kill you, which isn't necessarily bad because it ramps up the challenge of keeping them alive but sometimes they just start swearing at you!

There's a lot of potential for GGG to mix things up, i.e. have a sarn arena wide mod for X minutes where projectile speed is reduced by 1000%, etc. Lots of wacky possibilities to force momentary meta shifts without worrying about balance. I actually think balancing pvp is getting pretty hopeless. But there's a ton they can do to make it more fun, especially for players without top gear.

Even serious CS players enjoy playing on servers with various mods. I'd love to see ~15 minutes of something and then a local vote for a new selection. Sarn arena only of course, so as not to mess up the more formal pvp ladder modes.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Jul 26, 2016, 1:38:46 AM
occasional cycling mods or occasional mini quests/ event objectives

Adding on this, having the various environmental hazards and traps of the labyrinth as features in the arena would spice things up a bit too. Would make navigating the arena fun at the least and the possibilities for trying to work with the traps to bring someone down sounds fun as.
I can already picture burning ground day, as we all rush from various safe alcoves or try to hold them against others looking for better vantage points. Likewise tactical use of spike trap invulnerability would be a funny oversight in concept. Dart day might suck...
"That's nice cupcake" ~ Rlowe, 1984 - RIP in pieces, least we 4get
"""Everyone is an asshole and I'm awesome" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016" ~ philophil, 2016" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016
"Fuck." ~ Rlowe, 2017
" thread..." ~ Rlowe, 2017
Haha, yeah I'm playing king of the hill by myself for quite a while now. I also tried the defend the hostage as well. Make things more interesting then just brainless one shot fest.
1) get rid of all auto casting/attacking (cwdt, herald of thunder etc.) and thorns/reflect effects (tempest shield etc.)

2) remove temporal chains

i think these 2 things would be extremely easy for them to do and would make a huge difference

and if they have more than 5 minutes:

3) the difficulty of landing your attack should be proportional to the damage

things like lesser/greater multiple projectiles should come with a huge damage reduction, and items/passives that grant extra projectiles should have a hidden damage reduction in pvp

hitting someone with a single projectile burning arrow isn't easy, hitting with the same thing with gmp and +1 arrow quiver is super easy

and the final touch, although in poe it's probably impossible to do this since all builds have access to the same mobility items and possives

4) mobility should be inversely proportional to how tanky a character is, if you are very quick and can out maneuver your opponents then they should be able to beat you in a slug fest, otherwise you can't lose

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