[2.4 updates] Voltaxic Volley Fire Barrage Deadeye -- Well Barrage is now #1 Bow Skill
What is the less important node in asc. tree? Probably Far Shot?
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What is the less important node in asc. tree? Probably Far Shot? yes plz some 1 tell what should i take first to max dps |
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Is it worth using voidheart for poison instead this chest?
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" Voidheart is for melee attack only. You can use poison support, or use snakebite, or go pathfinder, but cospri's is just the best choice | |
" 1. Powerful Precision 2. Fast and Deadly 3. Rupture 4. Far Shot |
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" Maligaro is a good option, but as u use lots of unique items for this build (rat's nest, cospri's, drillneck), it is difficult to cap the resistances. On the other hands, when u take the Powerful precision ascendancy node, as well as getting increased crit strike max lvl, ur crit chance will be around 70% ( with charges i guess), which is enough for the fight that i dont think maligaro is necessary. U can replace it with a good rare glove with life, res, attack speed, add lightning damage and accuracy. | |
" I'm resist capped, and sitting around 3.8K hp, so I'm not really worried about resists very much. I run Doryani's Invitation on belt as well. |
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So i'm trying a shadow version of this build with assasin ascendency. here's the passive. Do u think it would be viable?
http://poeplanner.com/AAMAARRBQU1HQVNzQVpMRFlvdG5JRlBWdmFvd1d2eWFWWWVKVlM0dzJpZE53VWlvTFhmSXJDaEV2NjJNMlBaMnFiSXhpckxWSUQ2c2tpOE02R1lxWEJzU2l1LVAtdW4xMTAzNGtuV0phNzNydURxT0tJX2FOZlRCOFRaSlJSMzhyT2RSdjhxQ2ZfTVVOalZ1dmgzYmpuMHA5SVhhR3pzRXpUaW9qMDQ5Z1RQOURNWTEtelpqcVluWEx2cWRsVGIwMjJzRjA3UVV0OXFNVklDenBBTzZOdjlRak1ISGRxRXQ0T2tJcVRVZmlJdUtrT1RmVTdUX2UtS1I0d2RVYnlNX2Q4WXB0Yk95d2pBdTVmQ00yVXhBWHNFcUwAFEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFnRUJBQUFBAAA= Last edited by pinkq102#7992 on Sep 17, 2016, 1:06:12 PM
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" One thing that's kind of confusing me, Powerful Precision requires you to be up close to Pierce, Far Shot requires you to be far to deal more damage. That seems kind of counterproductive doesnt it? Secondly why do you need Powerful Precision if you are linking Pierce? Thirdly, if you had to choose one of those, wouldn't it be best to take Far Shot, since this is an evasion build and you want to stay away as far as possible from melee/phys damage as possible? Fourth, and this is just a general question, why don't you pick up Arrow dancing? You go right past it. Aren't you more prone to being hit by a range skill, even one that is off screen sometimes? Where as with melee you can just kite or step back. I never see anyone picking this up and I am just wondering why. The bow playstyle, to me at least, seems like a kiting one, hit, move, hit, move...etc. Last, in your video there is an orange/yellow arrow or projectile shooting out with your barrage. What is that? Thanks. Last edited by ivqancorp#3038 on Sep 17, 2016, 1:52:36 PM
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" It's very viable, I ran it last league to great success. Though you might want to change it around to be more like this tree. This is assuming you only plan to use two Volley Fire jewels, which is what it looked like. Two is fine. Those ascendancy points in mine are far far better for you. El Psy Congroo. Last edited by Patchumz#7799 on Sep 17, 2016, 1:37:52 PM
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