2.3.2 Patch Notes

the most looked after stash search option probably is "level > value" and "level < value" difficult to implement?
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
"More insanity effects have been added.
Insanity from multiple sources now stack."

Interesting indeed.... ;)

I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Why remove Static Strike and Ice Crash from the Decent-chests..? I don't get it. Just add Sunder and Earthquake without removing other beloved skills. In case of a long race-season it can only be good having more choices for more variety and fun. It's not like IC and SS would break the game (instead of the new ones)..
In my opinion I think that Insanity will be similar to "Confusion"; where you're unable to perform actions and/or attack friendlies
Qarl wrote:

Fixed a bug where Contagion was not supportable by Controlled Destruction.

Lies. Contagion is still not supportable with controlled destruction. just tested :P
Hamallainen wrote:
Qarl wrote:
  • Fixed a bug where Geofri's Crest was using the art from the wrong base type.
Lol, nice. Such an old bug! Finally fixed. gz :)

Finally not the ugliest unique in the game anymore. ^^
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Improved search functions yes please.
~ I have selective hearing, and today, you have not been selected.
In news there is 14 div cards, in patch 13, where is The Devastator card? :P

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
Qarl wrote:
Version 2.3.2:

New Content and Features
  • Navali also interrupts herself if already telling you about a Prophecy.

lol :D
cmilles wrote:
Qarl wrote:

Fixed a bug where Contagion was not supportable by Controlled Destruction.

Lies. Contagion is still not supportable with controlled destruction. just tested :P

Incoming hotfix. :3

Just tested it too.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

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