General Tips for Racing

unsane wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
If you went back to town and are hesitant about which direction to take, check the waypoint. It has stones that indicate the direction to The Climb.

AFAICT this is no longer true. The look of waypoints was changed a year or so ago, and they are omnidirectional.

you are correct in the waypoints being symmetrical now. However, in the ledge there is a set of three cairn stones next to the waypoint on the side leading to Kuduku and the Climb.
ChronoExile wrote:
you are correct in the waypoints being symmetrical now. However, in the ledge there is a set of three cairn stones next to the waypoint on the side leading to Kuduku and the Climb.

Hah, nice. Was too subtle for me, i've been playing without that knowledge for a long time!
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
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who wrote this?

I did.
I expected players to correct me about the suggested skilltrees, I cannot claim to have the knowledge on all classes about the most efficient way to build your character, but so far (unless I've missed their post) nobody made it known or felt like sharing.
I was thinking each class could have its own thread with skilltrees, lootfilters, in depth build order and also including the other type of races available (Descent, Descent Champions, Endless Ledge), but in order for the information to be and remain accurate/relevant It would have to be a community effort.
Lionel_GGG wrote:
I did.
I expected players to correct me about the suggested skilltrees, I cannot claim to have the knowledge on all classes about the most efficient way to build your character, but so far (unless I've missed their post) nobody made it known or felt like sharing.
I was thinking each class could have its own thread with skilltrees, lootfilters, in depth build order and also including the other type of races available (Descent, Descent Champions, Endless Ledge), but in order for the information to be and remain accurate/relevant It would have to be a community effort.

Oh shit! Are you thinking about adding them into this thread or having other stickied class threads? There is also a lot of people streaming/recording their runs so I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a run of each type (descent, DC, vanilla runs) videos in there ultimately.

Also amazing job on the writing. It's been probably the best thing for racing since fixed seed!
nice guide, but anyone got a link to the goal of each race? like mistress of the flame, what is the goal here. It helps to know what the goal of each race is ya? Some are self explanatory while others are not. Thanks
SchizoidMetal wrote:
like mistress of the flame, what is the goal here.

MoF is the boss of the Descent race mode.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Nice Guide, it helps ;)

Are there separate rewards for regular and hardcore?

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