IGN: OleGrampaDrex

Age: 26

Game experience: Started out playing Diablo at 9 years old and played just about everything since. Playing path off and on with new leagues since its release.

Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a group of folks to hang out with whenever the new leagues come out to chat, group, and have fun. I'm an altaholic so I can almost always be talked into leveling with someone.
IGN: Malykus - Anarchy League
IGN: Tenseiken
Age: 27
Game experience: Overall - 13 years of online gaming. PoE - Essentially started early 2014, but playing on and off. Mostly comming back to see new content and of course wanting to play the game.
Reason for wanting to join: My guild experience in PoE is pretty small. I have been going solo 98% of the time. I figured having a good chat while playing solo or even playing together, discussing stuff or even getting/giving advices would be an awesome addition for me while I hope me as a person is going to turn out as positive addition to the guild, as well.

Online and available right now! 6:42pm gmt+1
Game experience:2000+ hours played
Reason for wanting to join:looking for an active friendly guild
IGN: Vorcery
Age: 22
Game Experience: New to PoE but not new to the genre (D3)
Reason for Joining: want to the ability to learn from and help other players
Game experience: Used to play Diablo II when it released, was about 5 knew nothing but kind of grew up with the game eventually getting the hang of it, ran light sorc in sc and javazon in hc mainly over the years. Played Diablo III for some time since I pre-ordered it but even after RoS it failed to give me the satisfaction D2 did so I dropped it. Picked PoE during Essence despite having an account since 2011, but never actually played the game. For my second league that is Breach I've picked up some experience and considering I'm used to HnS RPGs I lack knowledge of mostly niche stuff.
Reason for wanting to join: Haven't been part of a guild in this game, looking for a friendly community that can help me, and that I can contribute to as I can. Looking for fellow mature(for the most part) players that I can run maps with or just chill in chat.
IGN: LilyGinnyPotter
Age: 27
Game experience: 3 Years
Reason for wanting to join: I have been a loner in this game for some time now and I am really looking to join a guild to have some sense of community and treat it as a multiplayer game :p I also have a lot of knowledge about builds and can help newbies.
Last edited by falconandeagle#3237 on Dec 5, 2016, 11:34:27 PM

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