<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: BenIsMyDad
Age: 32
Game experience: 4-5 years experience, sometimes skipping a league. (experience/knowledge in PoE is a bit relative, but I do enjoy absorbing the info from wiki and guides. So fairly knowledgeable I would say).

Reason for wanting to join: Current guild is pretty dead, seeking a place where we can exchange useful info, assist each other and just have plain fun.
Any additional information/comments: Last league was probably the first league I played a bit more than casually. Went 40/40 and did 5 builds on 3 characters.

I'm not a huge fan of leveling the first character on league start, so always find it nice to exchange portals, quest completions, items and such.
Last edited by Gyldengrød on Mar 31, 2024, 7:09:58 AM
Game experience: on and off but knowledge is low but learning
Reason for wanting to join: want to join in on discord chats and make friends with people who play the game
Any additional information/comments:
Game experience: Beta, but on and off
Reason for wanting to join: Community, Helping out, Being helped out.
Any additional information/comments: Looking forward to Party
IGN: xXNightmares
Age: 35
Game experience: 4-5 years experience, on and off. I come back and play on new leagues and lose intrest due to no social expierence. Hoping this will solve and make me stay steady

Reason for wanting to join: Have never had an active guild expierience. I have always joined with close friends and played until they quit playing. Looking for something more to make we want to stay playing. I love crafting and making different builds. Just dont have the best understanding of all the aspects due to the changes since the last time i played.

My discord is xxnightmares. That is where you can reach me if needed or accepted.
IGN: Rawvenom
Age: 34
Game experience: completed atlas multiple seasons
Reason for wanting to join: looking for some exiles to group and map with
Any additional information/comments: Thank you

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