<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: SenTMyㆍBalizztaS
Age: 32
Game experience: POE since 2018, Game exp since 1998
Reason for wanting to join: looking for nice ppl and group for playing together
Any additional information/comments: many leauges done 40/40
Last edited by LogazdoR on Jun 16, 2022, 1:31:32 AM
IGN: snuxutank
Age: 24
Game experience: Since Delirium League but on and off, joined back in sentinel. Played CoC Ice nova, few melee builds such as slayer cyclone, and now a level 96 RF inq.
Reason for wanting to join: Never joined a guild before and i want to try the social side of poe
Any additional information/comments: Trying to cap res rn LOL trying to craft a good styg wish me luck
IGN: NotSkelMages
Age: 33
Game experience: Have been in and out of the game due to work.
Reason for wanting to join: Wanted to try playing with other people and socialize
Any additional information/comments: i consider myself still new to the game as i've been in and out of it.

Game experience: Played at Beta, Came back in Legion and have played every league since.
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for an active clan with an active discord.
Any additional information/comments: Consistently play most of the league and hit most challenges.

Trying to find a guild that requires discord and to be active.

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