<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: NerdyMcNerdson
Age: 30
Game experience: minimal, played a season or two way back but eventually left to play d3 with friends.
Reason for wanting to join: To join a community in PoE mostly to chat or run group stuff
Any additional information/comments: Not much, just a relaxed casualish player looking for a place to chill running cyclone slayer this league.
IGN: BeneGesseruit
Game experience: 11 years
Reason for wanting to join: old guild inactive, just looking for social aspect of game
Any additional information/comments: I started playing in closed beta, and have played steadily for almost that entire time. I took a 4 year break or so and came back earlier this year. I play only in the temp leagues exclusively anymore. I have a wife and kids so I only get to play a few hours everyday, and more on the weekends, but I log in almost everyday. I have a lot of knowledge but I am not an expert, as I missed a lot in the years I was gone. I like to make weird builds, the more confusing the better lol. If you guys are interested shoot me an invite.
IGN: NickCageAsGhostRider
Game experience:2 years
Reason for wanting to join: This would make me happy
Any additional information/comments: my name is a joke :)
Game experience: 9months
Reason for wanting to join: None of my friends playing this game so i want to be part some guild with good and active people.
Any additional information/comments: I was a member of some guilds and most of them had very inactive players.

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