<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: TwoLetterText
Age: 20
Game experience: Been playing since rampage league.
Reason for wanting to join: Playing solo gets really boring.
IGN: HcEssenceReservedNick
Age: 24
Expirience: since beta (I'm playing only on HC
Why i want to join? speaking with ppl during killing atziri's - priceless :) I want to share expirience and have fun. Playing alone makes me boring..
Last edited by Aretsue on Oct 4, 2016, 10:40:31 AM
Game experience:Been playing since
Anarchy/Domination league took a few breaks between expansions but now starting to get really into the game.
Reason for wanting to join:Looking for a different experience, I have played solo for a long time and most of my rl friends that play have left until next league. I am very active I have put in about 200 hours this league between two chars.
IGN: GirthfeatherST
Age: 24
Experience: about 1k hours played back in...domination i think? can't remember exactly. have leveled 2 characters to 90 so far this league. I consider myself a very laid back player who just plays a ton.
Reason for wanting to join:
Looking for cool people and hopefully long term friends to chill and play the game with. Gets a bit lonely and boring playing by myself all the time.
Last edited by 420_Girthquake on Mar 3, 2017, 4:04:51 AM
IGN: GreenStuffFalling
Age: 23
Game experience: Near 900h in PoE
Reason for wanting to join: Boring to play alone and the guild i joined is almost empty, mos of them left after few weeks

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