<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

Game experience: Several years
Reason for wanting to join: I'm looking for some nice and positive people to grind

level 100 at harvest,breach and betryal
IGN: Valicci
Age: 37
Game experience: Just beat Act 10 and learning about maps
Reason for wanting to join: To learn, share events, learn, looking for a parachute for all the times I've fallen off this steep-a$$ learning curve of PoE.
Any additional information/comments :
Just setup premium stash and I'm loosely following Grobbs BV Poison build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2714125
Game experience:started this league,at t14 mapping progressing atlas
Reason for wanting to join:got declined by empire so wanna join the malicious empire :monkaS: on a serious note just want to be able to have a community to play/trade/talk with.
Any additional information/comments :i like to meme,i like to play glasscannon builds,untiltable have so far 460deaths this league and still playing :borpaspin:
IGN: Meical_
Game experience:New. I tried the game a bit in January. Got hooked this league in Ultimatum.
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for an active community to be apart of.
Any additional information/comments : Currently level 76. Learning a lot about the ending game and could use some help with that.
IGN: NiwiGslam/NiwiReap
Game experience: 1.6k hours, farmed all bosses, playing since legion
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a group of people that consistently play that I can aura/curse/mana/strength bot for (currently only have aura up and running)
Any additional information/comments: Still learning, but may know more than many that play and am always willing to teach
Last edited by Dotdotderp on May 7, 2021, 1:32:18 AM
Age: 25
Game experience: Played for years, mainly during the challenge leagues.
Reason for wanting to join: Got back into the game during Ultimatum, now that I'm playing more I want to learn more about the league mechanics and how to build my characters.
Any additional information/comments : From The Netherlands, open for voice chat. :)

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