<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: therealhag

Age: 37

Game experience: been playing for a while on and off over the years just over 1000 hours put into the game highest level like 92 current character 88 in harvest right now.

Reason for wanting to join: would like a guild so can chat while grinding maps and be able help out when i can and get further into endgame.
IGN: Truppensturm
Age: 34
Game experience: +/- 5 yrs
Reason for wanting to join: playing solo can get a bit lonely, would be nice to have some other people to talk to while playing. Also, even though I have played already 5 yrs of PoE, i am still learning every day. I would like to share with others what i have learned and also learn from them.
Game experience: Iv'e been playing this game since 2013, left it for a while and just came back to it.

Reason for wanting to join: looking to join a guild that actually helps people and not just tell them to get good. Also looking to find a place where people actually communicate respectfully towards one another.

Any additional information/comments : I'm a United States Marine vet, did 3 tours to Iraq and just a mellow guy. So if you have a Veteran community that would be a big plus to join this guild. thank you
IGN: Senehar
Age: 32

Game experience: Delirium and Harvest leagues. I did play off and on in the past but not for any length of time.

Reason for wanting to join: After playing two leagues solo I realize how much more would be able to be done in a group. I'm looking for a more laid-back group of people that work together and I think your guild might be a good fit.
IGN: Razaya (account name: Vinnco)
Age: 33
Game experience: 6 leagues, including Harvest
Reason for wanting to join: I enjoy having people to group up with to run maps and various challenges, or just chill and chat with. I'm a very helpful player myself and often give a helping hand to newer players, but I'm still learning as well and enjoy feedback and guidance from better players.
IGN: Big_Bow_Baggins

Age: 27

Game Experience: 3 leagues, excluding harvest.

Reason for wanting to join: I have been playing pretty much on my own and with some friends for the last few leagues, but have always wanted to join an active guild. My friends don't play this as much as me anymore either.
Only recently found out about this recruit forum and your guild looks amazing. Looking for a community that actively does stuff together and chats, which seems to be what yours is.

Any additional information: I play every day and willing to help out with master mission/breach rotations/harvest crafts and such :) Look forward to hopefully joining your community if there is still space.

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