[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert
Okay, maybe a noob question, but honestly I am a noob at this game, and have no idea of the answer.
Here it goes: Can I do the high budget skill tree, and use the low budged itens until I have currency to SLOWLY (note on how slow I'm talking about) SLOWLY change my itens to the high budget build? Also, what are the differences to the low budget skill tree to the high budget one? THX in advance, loved the guide. Thank you to put this much work into it, I appreciate it. Keep doing you, you're doing gods work friend XOXOXO Don't worry about what people say. When you fly high, you look really small for those who can't fly.
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What is the recommended level of the gems CWTD and immortal call? (im level 83 atm. and gems are 18).
Any suggestion to a chest instead of belly, its way to expensive right now and my tabula is giving me problems at T11+ and uberlab, I need life and armour it seems (or doesn't armour matter??). |
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" Reflect affix on maps and totems die instantly. Place totem on distant and not on top of eachother, I dont have problems with it. Last edited by Accelerater#0026 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:52:31 AM
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Reporting in 3.0 Harbinger league (70h+ played on the char). The build is a good boss killer (shaper/guardians). But if you aren't experienced player, you can't dodge all projectiles and bosses' attacks. Either way almost everybody one-shots you. You can do Uber lab, Atziri, Shaper and Guardians without crazy mods. But Shaper one-shots you with a golden projectile. You must be tricky and dodge all attacks.
Chimera and Hydra pretty easy if you know the tactics. Phoenix is kinda pain. The small area doesn't allow you to dodge all his attacks (and bird's projectile, which is more dangerous than the boss itself). Hard, but doable. And here comes the fun. Because of Abyssys bosses with physical damage one-shots you. Minotaur and his huge (VERY HUGE) AOE one-shots you. It's very hard to dodge his attacks when the area is filled with stone rain (which one-shot you). Very hard, but still doable. And Uber Atziri with budget gear is impossible. Believe me. She kills your totems in one sec and if you wanna place a new one, you are pretty sure taking the spear (which one-shots you). It's happens mostly in her "4 appearances phase". The only way to kill her is obtaining 1m+dps with 2 or 3 totems (if you have 400c Tukohama). I had 500k+ dps. The budget is about 150c which is only 4ex now. If I farm some more currency and exp, I can reach 700k. But it's very hard in my opinion. You must grind and grind without hesitating. But even with all that expensive gear, I think the chances to kill her is still 50/50. I'm little disappointed because it's not the best build for map clearing or boss killing unless you have about 20-30ex budget. Still, if you wanna do all content in the game (except Uber Atziri) and you don't afraid the tactic "kill fast or die", that build will do. |
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" Unless it's a phys reflect map, my totems hardly die but I'm used to re-cast them every five seconds anyway. The totems are pretty tanky. What map/boss did you have troubles with? |
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" Your characters are hidden. I am 49lvl now and have 15k dps xD |
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" Thanks a lot for sharing your exp and tips. I think we should not expect any uber million DPS build with low budget (not that it's really low, considering a 6L belly can cost you a leg and an arm now on Harbinger), or GGG will surely nerf it anyway. I think this build is a very good starter for farming maps and/or uber lab. |
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Could someone take a look at my build? So i got to a point where i don't know what i should upgrade next wasted 700 fusings yesterday for the lucky 6 link i didn't get... Any suggestions?
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" Save up for the tukohama shield. You don't need a 6link to complete the game. Consider a 40% helmet. Vaal your belt for + max endurance charges. |
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If you've played AW totems you should know every complain I will list so you may want to skip this. NEW PLAYERS should read it in its entirety.
This build is very unrealistic. Every single part in the planner has 100% perfect stats on every roll, that is impossible. The first (budget-tree) is basically the same old warchief we've been playing and loving till now. You should always go with that, when you get the tukohama shield DO NOT switch to the other tree, just pick up Blood magic and maybe Bloodless. If you lose your jewels you will lose a lot of your dps, considering you are already losing a lot by switching to the new shield ( hatred, base phys etc.) Also I've yet to figure out why the (high-budget) version comes with tetsudo. 8% block isn't worth 3 points. Consider ditching iron reflexes and getting proper armour pieces. Its not worth just for one belly. Considering you can get an astral plate and craft it with essences (phys dmg to cold conversion/ added area)120 life and about 120-140 resist (considering what stats values the author has set in the planner that is very realistic) I've no idea how this build is supposed to get even close to 2m dps. I've tried all the flask combinations including Brew. Currently crafting steel rings, still havent hit a good roll with essences. Even tried with the redblade traplets (boots with +to phys) Also if you are doing this to farm uber consider a basalt flask(with increased armor) instead of the taste of hate, Izaro does pretty much nothing if you prepot, and he is dead before your flasks run out. Pantheon Just go with Lunaris. Do not believe the crap about stun immunity. Stun immunity for two seconds after you get stunned is pointless. If a boss manages to stun you twice in two seconds that pretty much means you are doing something wrong. Even more so for trash mobs, you should never be next to them. Gem links Vaal lightning trap is useless. Currently gives +15% instead of the old +50. I'd sub it in with phase run tempest shield if you are going for the block variant. Get a Flame golem on your secondary set of weapons, switch to it on no regen maps. Culling strike on shield charge is useless, unless you plan to minmax bosses or something. Move the shield charge link to the shield. Put another link on the cwdt ic id like molten shell,tempest shield, arctic breath or honestly whatever else you might prefer. Nothing new, just the same old aw with a messed up secondary tree. Just want to note the author ditched this build in pursuit of another, before even nearing completion. |
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