[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert

Mare28 wrote:
Hey man, can you tell me why my DPS is so low compared to yours? Only at 68k unbuffed.
Don't really know what to improve from now on.

You are probably at the same place I am, core items but not perfected.

Things like his rings, the difference between, lets make some numbers up, 4-9 phys damage on a ring and 12-19(Total) is like 3000DPS or something crazy...

So getting perfect rolled neck/rings with high phys damage + life + res could easily be 8000 DPS.

Then ALL those jewels he has, perfect roll facebreakers...ETC


All the small things, very well rolled neck/rings/jewels and facebreakers.

EDIT Also quality 20 gems
Last edited by chippy1231#1627 on Aug 12, 2017, 11:49:45 AM
would like to ask, what if we use devoto's devotion instead of abyssus- will it still work?

EDIT - nope the 10% damage reduction is a no-go -stupid me didn't read that well xD
Last edited by tekkenshu7#7142 on Aug 12, 2017, 2:29:56 PM
I will take "constitution" from passive tree at lv90. What do you think guys?
I'm struggling with something.

I bought Atziri's Step and Facebreaker.. With my little currency i bought atleast 300 choromatic in Harbinger League..I couldn't roll 3RED on both of those items :/ Now i can't progress and can't buy what i realy need. How should i solve this problem.

I'm thinking about switching atziri's step with 2 high res +20ms +life boots , and will try to focus 1B3R on facebreaker ? What u thinking about that. I'm fucked up real good with having no currency at all. Please give an advice for me and :(
Prophii wrote:
I'm struggling with something.

I bought Atziri's Step and Facebreaker.. With my little currency i bought atleast 300 choromatic in Harbinger League..I couldn't roll 3RED on both of those items :/ Now i can't progress and can't buy what i realy need. How should i solve this problem.

I'm thinking about switching atziri's step with 2 high res +20ms +life boots , and will try to focus 1B3R on facebreaker ? What u thinking about that. I'm fucked up real good with having no currency at all. Please give an advice for me and :(

the colours are not a "you have them at this or this item" if u get the colour i have at my helm at you gloves. its ok. the importan thing is the colours, not on wich item ;)
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Any updated consensus on the optimal main gem setup or is it dependant on rest of gear etc?

I dont use POB or anything to test but with AWC - MeleePhys - DmgFullLife - ConcEffect - AddedFire

I just manually tested in the field between FA and Ruthless for the 6th link and Ruthless just 'felt' stronger..

I got off to a really rocky start this league was going so well but instead of filling out the quick affordable big dps upgrades like flasks etc I built up 4 ex and poured it all into 6 linking my belly... got rekt hard and been struggling for a week throwing like 5 fuse at a time after I went broke.. didnt even have money to make more money which is what I should have done..

Anyways after easily over 1k fuse I finally just 6 linked it and am excited again.. was about to just quit the league.. Getting 5R and 1B for the ruthless instead of FA setup also destroyed my chromatic supply... so I am REALLY hoping that Ruthless instead of FA is better ;)

BTW I've not seen any mention of the prophecy upgrade for Deidbell - quite a nice alternative too until Abyssus, I totally forgot Deidbell was even upgradable until I procced the prophecy.. Since we use warcy on CD its basically perma 20% AS, MS and CS!
IGN : Drahmin (Legion SC League)
Timezone : GMT(+2:00) South African Standard Time
Legion Crafting Service thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2568765
Standard Crafting Thread (For Vouches) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207913/page/1
If you really want to have off colors like on the OP setup, you need to use the vorici jeweller's trick (cheaper than spamming chromatic for getting off colors)

You gonna need the "artisans's bench" and have access to the "at least 2 red sockets", "2 sockets", "3 sockets" and "4 sockets" craft. (they respectively cost 25 chromatics and 1 / 3 / 10 jewellers orb)

Let's say you want to craft 3Red 1Green on the atziri's step boots :

So globally, you will do "2 sockets craft" <-> "3 sockets craft" till you got 3 red sockets (or 1 green and 2 red sockets) then you will do "3 sockets craft" <-> "4 sockets craft" till you got 3 red sockets and 1 green socket

- Start Using the "at least 2 red sockets"

- Use the "3 sockets craft" :
* if you got a blue socket, you want to clean it up, so use the 2 sockets craft and directly use the 3 sockets craft till you got 3 reds or 1 green and 2 red sockets.

- Once you got 3 red sockets (or 1 green 2 red sockets), you can use the 4 sockets craft. If the "4 socket craft" gives you a blue, use the 3 sockets craft to remove it and then use the 4 socket craft again to get your red or green socket.

A video that explains the trick if my explanation is not good enough : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbhCcWtarLg
Last edited by Antarlol#1055 on Aug 12, 2017, 7:39:55 PM
I am super curious about the gem setup too, the Ruthless vs FA attack for example.
You always have full flasks up 24/7?
Ruthless gem only affects the third totem, not the 2 previous?
Target is always shocked? Never moves away esp without taunt on totems?

I'm sorry man, but please make your POB a little more realistic with what your build is capable of before luring people into wasting tons of currency.

Otherwise it's a nice guide, but the DPS you're pretending it can do is nowhere near the reality.
My personal gem setup:
AW - DMG on full life - Melee Physical Damage - Ruthless - Maim - Inc AOE/Conc Effect

I'm melting T15, Normal Atziri, Uber Izaro. Still need to level up my gems and add quality.
Sometimes my survivability is very poor but that's normal with Abyssus.

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