guggelhupf wrote:
Bedrosian wrote:
Seriously..."low budget gear".
On poe.trade for Abyssus I need 35 chaos orb and for Belly of the beast minimum 85 chaos orb (minimum for 2 links lol)
ROFL, where is the "LOW"?
Path of Trade, not Path of Exile.
its only that high because most other stuff got nerfed and now a huge amout of player play e.g. this build and ofc life builds. that is why the price is so high. all other league it was cheap af
Do you have any alternative suggestion for chest piece? Abyssus seems irreplaceable. Or should I get a BoR and get done with it? Does the damage/life suffer a lot for mapping?
Anyway, thank you for very detailed guide, lvling is too easy it's almost cheating. I only got some mana problem but can be solved easily with an Elreon ring.
Last edited by wiwigvn#7566 on Aug 10, 2017, 2:50:16 AM
Posted bywiwigvn#7566on Aug 10, 2017, 2:44:58 AM
Is this build still viable for farming lab and mapping and all that with the budge gear and still able to survive and clear without having to worry about every single hit?
Posted bySimplPrimate#4988on Aug 10, 2017, 2:57:37 AM
Is this build still viable for farming lab and mapping and all that with the budge gear and still able to survive and clear without having to worry about every single hit?
Posted bySimplPrimate#4988on Aug 10, 2017, 2:57:46 AM
Hello and thank you for this build version.
I currently have the low budget version and I go up to 730 k dps, if I go to version 3 totems I will lose a lot?
Thank you.

Posted byReymagic#2083on Aug 10, 2017, 4:00:21 AM
As an alternative to the expensive Belly and Abyssus, you guys might want to look at the alternate versions of this build in the original guide. I have tried the Bringer of Rain build myself and I am pretty satisfied, even though it has not been updated for 3.0... I kind of just mixed the two builds to my liking and have been getting similar performance, compared to Belly and Abyssus equipped on my character. Note that this is at low gear level (~50k tooltip damage)
Posted byTobiasKr#2386on Aug 10, 2017, 4:37:12 AM
BoR is perfectly budget for this build. It's cheap, eazy 7 link with add flat dmg. You can also use regulart 6L amor with high life as well.
Posted byBlueJasminez#6088on Aug 10, 2017, 5:26:06 AM
Yeah, BoR's price is good for budget build. But I wonder how much the difference is the between BoR and Abyssus? Can anyone who has tried both gives some opinion (not theorycraft on PoB)?
Posted bywiwigvn#7566on Aug 10, 2017, 5:49:48 AM
zazey wrote:
I get most of that, but I stand by the fact that it is virtually pointless. tukohamas adds roughly 600-800 life (I had a +99 life roll). If you are lacking on resists then you drop damage in the jewels, or you run rare boots(you won't even notice the difference with boots). Endurance charges only help players who are getting hit by A LOT of things. If you're getting hit by a lot of things as a totem build then you are doing it wrong. To justify dropping 8 points to get ~10 % phys reduction is outlandish. We also aren't really *scaling* regen and there is no point to. Every 2 seconds you gain 25% of your max hp, as well as having a health pot if necessary. You should virtually be at full health 90% of the time without ANY endurance charges. You will gain a much bigger impact dropping 8 points and going for the totem nodes by Blood magic, and some resist nodes if need be than you would dropping 8 points on endurance charges and then getting GGG phys rings. If you can already afford solid steel rings you should be looking for resits on them anyway.
I can 100% with confidence say that I clear uber lab with old one's much faster than tukohamas (relative by your definition of fast). With a change of a shield and only the shield I went from 7-10 second uber izaro's to literally 2-3 second uber izaro's. I went from 5.9k life to 5.4k life and I ate a 2h mace slam today with 0 endurance charges up and still didnt die. In fact the lab go virtually safer because he literlly only has time to do 1 ability.
If you are going to use this build for other sources I would say the 600 life/endurance charges are virtually useless there as well.
When it comes to Uber Atizir the goal is to kill them so fast you dont have to see the abilities, as there aren't many builds in the game that can survive them. On vaals no matter how many endurance charges we have, and even if we have 7k life we are going to get 1 shot by slam, or demolished by lasers/ball lightning if we take more than 1-2 ticks of them. I would rather just kill the boss in under 5 seconds then spend 20 seconds having to dodge. Same with trio, best defense is good offense.
For shaper, we aren't going to tank anything no matter what gear we have. Beam will still obliterate you in 2 seconds, same with pools and slam, so either shield/endurance charges or no charges you NEED to dodge. If your DPS is too low you'll run out of platform space. I tried this with tukohamas and literally almost ran out of space 5 out of 5 times. The instant I switched to great old ones I did the entire final phase in like 40 seconds.
Here you go, Tokuhama is an 400k dps upgrade in the end: Klick me
and it has more life and bleed immunity, so way tankier imo. and you will also see that faster attacks is better dmg than added fire
put this link also in the FAQ
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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf Last edited by guggelhupf#2310 on Aug 10, 2017, 5:58:54 AM
Posted byguggelhupf#2310on Aug 10, 2017, 5:56:25 AM
AW - Damage on Full life - Physical Damage - Faster Attack - IAoE/CE and?
Ruthless - Brutality - Maim - Fire Dmg .....
Anyone has check what is best 6th for AW ?
Last edited by Beskaius#7186 on Aug 10, 2017, 7:30:37 AM
Posted byBeskaius#7186on Aug 10, 2017, 7:21:59 AM
What is BoR?
Posted byAccelerater#0026on Aug 10, 2017, 9:00:16 AM