[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert

never mind just read the description right now
Last edited by papas88063#7799 on Aug 8, 2017, 6:11:51 PM
Ranculos wrote:
Hello Khavali :-)

So the 'proper' way doing is to start with the budget build/passive tree until later in-game (what the definition of 'later' will be I wonder?) and then respect using Orbs of Regret the skills that are not the same in the tree and slowly selling my old gear and buy the gear on the 'advanced' sections?

Well, according to guggelhupf this build should be able to kill all end bosses, so I guess this is indeed a good build to follow for what I'm trying to achieve.

Thanks for clearing it out.

If you do all the side quests along the way in the leveling process (much less of a hassle now since you only go through each zone one time, so you might as well do them all) you should have enough re-spec points for later on with minimal regret orbs used, if any. "Later" will be at whatever time you either 1. mass the currency to buy the high-end gear, or 2. See #1. All comes down to if you get lucky on a super rare drop, flip currency, or whatever else you do to build wealth.
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
This build just steamrolls with minimal currency investment. I did Merc lab on cruise control at 65 with 2800 HP and 5 endurance charges. Current gear is terrible outside of a decently rolled pair of FBs. Bought a white 5L chest for 5c and just ran with the first max life essence craft I got. Building up the bank for Abyssus then some other upgrades, but will likely give U Lab a shot as soon as I get the final Trial. Thanks for writing this!
as many times requestest i posted the pastebin links to the skilltree section. u will notice a little difference in this because i took away the 3 nodes from "Testudo" and put them into other points (low budged: totemic zeal / high budget: ironwood). i will update this in the skill tree soon ;)

and im streaming through my birthday today :D mostly ulab service, your offering my loot
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Khavali wrote:
Ranculos wrote:
Hello Khavali :-)

So the 'proper' way doing is to start with the budget build/passive tree until later in-game (what the definition of 'later' will be I wonder?) and then respect using Orbs of Regret the skills that are not the same in the tree and slowly selling my old gear and buy the gear on the 'advanced' sections?

Well, according to guggelhupf this build should be able to kill all end bosses, so I guess this is indeed a good build to follow for what I'm trying to achieve.

Thanks for clearing it out.

If you do all the side quests along the way in the leveling process (much less of a hassle now since you only go through each zone one time, so you might as well do them all) you should have enough re-spec points for later on with minimal regret orbs used, if any. "Later" will be at whatever time you either 1. mass the currency to buy the high-end gear, or 2. See #1. All comes down to if you get lucky on a super rare drop, flip currency, or whatever else you do to build wealth.

I see. Well, I guess I better have the currency to get at least 2 new high budget gear before doing the switch (as the build probably scale better with more high budget items).


guggelhupf wrote:
and im streaming through my birthday today

Happy Birthday dude! :)
Last edited by Ranculos#4263 on Aug 8, 2017, 10:43:01 PM
Glad to see the build is still going. Can't wait to be able to play again in Harbinger league (potato overbaked and I'm playing forums till my new tater arrives :p)

On a side note Happy Birthday! and thanks for maintaining the guide in 3.0.
Hello Everyone! I have been playing this build at virtually min-max gear and I have a few suggestions that helped me get some more DPS. I have been farming Uber Lab nonstop extremely easily even prior to the shield upgrade.

Current Gear:

Note: I am only 79 so I have no jewels and the tree isn't finished.

Life: 5731

Some notes:
1 - I think death's door is a toss up. Personally I am not going to run it because I would rather have more life + spell dodge from atziri's step, or I would run a rediculous GGG rare boots.

2 - Using in-game testing on Uber Lab, as well as a few hours on PathOfBuilding, I firmly believe the optimal setup of gems at min-max is as follows:
Ancestral Warchief - Damage on Full Life - Melee Phys - Brutality - Ruthless - Conc Effect/ IncAOE
Reasoning: With the min-max tree we pick up virtually 0 attack speed, our totems attack at roughly 2.3-2.4 attacks per second without faster attacks, and 2.9-3.1 APS with faster attacks. The attack speed is way to low to scale damage off of, so by losing .6 second APS and gaining 50% MORE damage we gain roughly 25-45k additional dps over faster attacks at perfect gear.

Note: The tooltip ingame for ruthless is wrong, and doesn't calculate the third hit properly.

3- Thoughts on Endurance Charges - I'm still debating on dropping the extra endurance charges and picking up the entire scion life wheel. With 3 endurance charges + fortify I rock 70% damage reduction, with 5 endurance charges and Fortify I am at 75%, and I RARELY get hit by any phys damage. Personally, I would rather have an extra 1k-2k(in GGG rings/boots) life.

Overall Thoughts:
Absolutely insane build, works great, few changes recommended.

Great guide dude, whats your preferred master leveling order
Thoughts on Devoto's Devotion for a budget helm option as opposed to Dedibell?

Specifically Devotos + 40% warchief enchant vs unenchanted Dedibell does the flat dmg on Deidbell still win?

I dont see mmyself going for Abyssus either way since I plan to run lab and Abyssus would be suicide..
IGN : Drahmin (Legion SC League)
Timezone : GMT(+2:00) South African Standard Time
Legion Crafting Service thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2568765
Standard Crafting Thread (For Vouches) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207913/page/1
Daegon wrote:
Thoughts on Devoto's Devotion for a budget helm option as opposed to Dedibell?

Specifically Devotos + 40% warchief enchant vs unenchanted Dedibell does the flat dmg on Deidbell still win?

I dont see mmyself going for Abyssus either way since I plan to run lab and Abyssus would be suicide..

Running abyssus right now farming uber lab from 75-79 and i've never gotten 1 shot. At above 5.5k life its almost impossible to get 1 shot if u have ur charges/flask up. Izaro dies in under 5 seconds.

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