[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert


voidheart legacy is broken now? no damage poison on uber atziri :s

my gear and tree


Nearing level 70 right now. This build made all of the new acts trivial.

Looking to get my belly next. Will be a nice upgrade (at 3000 life now)
Q: Is "melee damage on full life" really the best gem?
A: Yes imo it is. It has got a huge MORE multiplier and if played right you are full life 99% of the time.

Melee damage on Full Life got reworked ( or removed?). I know you know this, but you missed removing it in the FAQ section. Love your guide, thanks for all the work you put into it!
Last edited by buz9#6623 on Aug 5, 2017, 4:32:53 PM
Thanks for this great guide, work 100% fine for me, i'm so happy with my choice for a league starter!
P.S. Do we need STR on gear or it's not very important?
This build is ridiculous. I just cleared Merc lab at LV66 with 2900 HP and 14,520 dps tooltip on AW. All story content was a joke; have died 4 times total to 66, 3 of which were due to poor resists and stunlock on Brine King when the waves came in.

In terms of gearing priority, if you can pick up 700+ FBs, Meg's Girdle, Deep One's Hide, and then jewelry with high phys dmg, you are effectively set DPS-wise. Every item is mega cheap.

My next goal is Abyssus because of the insane boost to FB dmg via the flat phys, but it's pricey right now.
Just cleared Merc lab at 66 with 2900 HP and 15k tooltip DPS; this build is ridiculous.
Do you still recommend the same Pantheons after the changes they made?
IGN: Pockey
Is Berserker tanky enough for Shaper and Uberlab Runs? Or the other way round offers Chieftain enough Dmg for those kind of Content ? I cant rly decide which Ascendancy i should choose? Since i will probably only play one Character this league. I wanna chose the right Ascendancy for late Game and save mapping. Any Advice further than Berserker= Dmg and Chieftain = more survial? Thanks
B3Xter, try berserk first if you see you don't survive enough try chieftain, if you didn't make a mistake you probably have like 12+ respects, more than enough to change ascendancy, and you can use regret orb to get more respect points.
Quick question for the budget build skill tree.
Why go for the Life/Reduced mana cost nodes? Seems like mana cost isn't too high for us on anything and it would be better to grab all the 5% nodes on the life wheel since we're there already. Maybe it's because I'm still only on a 4L, but it seems like mana is pretty manageable with the warcry spamming.
Last edited by Midjet#4877 on Aug 6, 2017, 5:41:18 PM

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