Mechanical Questions Thread

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Last edited by turdtwisterx#4882 on Apr 30, 2020, 6:13:54 AM

Could you pls clarify this notable?

Chill and shock from it, count as if I did shock and chill those enemies?
Basically, will those chill and shock count towards this notable?

Last edited by askaal#1716 on Apr 27, 2020, 12:46:32 PM
Hi, how do attribute increases work on transformed attributes?

For example, there are increases in intelligence and dexterity. Will the intelligence transformed into dexterity be increased by both of these increases?
Does lighting part of wild strike deals more DMG to single target for each remaining chain similar to arc spell?
Does Blade Blast work on a Bladefall totem build considering Ancestral Bond?

Ancestral Bond stipulates I can do no damage myself. But the blades put out that Blade Blast explodes were made by my Bladefall totems. I have tried to test in maps but just can't tell if it is my Bladefall totems killing or if my manual cast Blade Blast is actually doing damage.

Thanks in advance.
Can someone explain to me please, how Molten strike works with:
1. Multistrike:
- Is attack speed of projectiles the same as Melee Hit (e.g. PoB doesn't show the damage increase of projectiles and there're debates about it)
- "First Repeat of supported skill deals more damage" - Does this apply to projectiles as well as melee hit?

2. Ancestral call
- As I see from the animation, each projectile is tripled, so Instead of default 4 projectiles, I have 12 when there're many enemies.
- If I have this gem socketed in and I don't target bosses but target ground and press attack with molten strike, would that mean that each hit would do more damage? Like this tread explains
//MF 60IIQ/220IIR //830k tooltip BV //90% phys reduction, 90-91% all resistance //36k es lowlife //All bosses kill playlist
I see many people suggest upgrading minion cast speed to buff redemption sentries but according to poedb they mainly use attacks not spells. i was wondering if that's true and if supporting them with faster casting support actually helps or not so much.
Also, some items have "socketed gems have +#% crit". the shaper mod helmet does this for spells and the essence of delirium mod for gloves does this for socketed gems. does any of them affect minions? more specifically redemption sentries?
thank you all and have a good week.
deathangel908 wrote:
1. Multistrike:
- Is attack speed of projectiles the same as Melee Hit (e.g. PoB doesn't show the damage increase of projectiles and there're debates about it)
- "First Repeat of supported skill deals more damage" - Does this apply to projectiles as well as melee hit?

- Indirectly, yes, but a multiplication is required.
For example, if you have 5 attacks per second and 7 projectiles, you'll end up with 35 projectiles per second, assuming all 5 attacks actually hit a target.
- Absolutely, since the damage of each projectile is based on the damage of the initial hit.
Just don't forget that the projectile damage isn't affected by melee-specific modifiers, and is cut in half compared to the initial hit.
More details here.

deathangel908 wrote:
2. Ancestral call
- As I see from the animation, each projectile is tripled, so Instead of default 4 projectiles, I have 12 when there're many enemies.
- If I have this gem socketed in and I don't target bosses but target ground and press attack with molten strike, would that mean that each hit would do more damage? Like this tread explains

- Yes, that's pretty much how it works, the 12 projectiles are generated simultaneously, but come from 3 different locations.
- I haven't tested myself, but i highly doubt that method is still as effective, because since 3.7, molten strike requires that you actually hit an enemy with the initial hit in order to produce projectiles, which wasn't the case at the time of that reddit thread.
Last edited by xhul#1978 on May 2, 2020, 11:26:16 PM

Im looking at the chieftain ascendency tawoha, forest's strength and wanted to know if I have a 100% phys to fire conversion do you get the 5% phys dmg increase per endurance charge and the 5% fire or just the fire? also along the same line does the increase to melee phys damage from strength still apply when you have 100% phys to fire conversion?
Are not there any ways to farm vaal side areas in maps? I wanted to complete challenge but found that it's not only random related to spawn vaal side area on a map, but also random loot from vessels. I checked out that Hidden Vaal Pathways should work, but nothing happens when i enter the map. So how to spawn vaal side areas on maps?
Thank you in advance!

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