Mechanical Questions Thread

if my event league atlas bonus number more than bestiary league,

it will be my event league elder influenced 30 maps is safety?

(my bestiary league elder influenced maps is 4 maps)

I wonder transform mechanism when end of league to elder maps.
Ball Lightning and Harness the Void. Is the extra chaos damage from Harness the Void rolled per projectile on BL, or per hit? I ask this because BL is kind of weird (Like it seems if I roll a crit, it's every hit from the projectile, and not per hit).
Combat is simple.
Keep your blood in.
Take theirs out.
why does chin sol "close range" does not affect the ignite dmg. my thought was that the "bow damage" + all added damage is the "base" for ignite right now. i am confused :-D.
Last edited by b44dss#1052 on May 18, 2018, 10:30:06 AM
b44dss wrote:
why does chin sol "close range" does not affect the ignite dmg. my thought was that the "bow damage" + all added damage is the "base" for ignite right now. i am confused :-D.

Chin sol affects only "Bow Attack"
both "Bow" and "attack" are not ailment specific characteristics, thats why u wont get any ailment bonuses

Else we would have "bow attack damage" / "projectile damage" / etc to increase ailment damage too
but we have additional stat in nodes to increase ailment damage, cause that stats are not ailments
Last edited by Uoykai#2092 on May 18, 2018, 10:26:33 PM
"The Chance to Ignite Support Gem has been renamed to Combustion Support. Enemies ignited by supported skills lose up to 19% fire resistance."
3.3 patchnotes...
Will we have limited time on a resistance reductions? Will it depend on Ignite duration? Or will it have additional timer?
Uoykai wrote:
b44dss wrote:
why does chin sol "close range" does not affect the ignite dmg. my thought was that the "bow damage" + all added damage is the "base" for ignite right now. i am confused :-D.

Chin sol affects only "Bow Attack"
both "Bow" and "attack" are not ailment specific characteristics, thats why u wont get any ailment bonuses

Else we would have "bow attack damage" / "projectile damage" / etc to increase ailment damage too
but we have additional stat in nodes to increase ailment damage, cause that stats are not ailments

i understand, but the "BASE" for ignites is still the "bow physical damage" + all added damage like from "added fire support gem" right? (i am talking about full conversion to fire here).

in your case, it makes sense that the wording "bow" and "attack" are not ailment specific characteristics.

but still in this case it should count, otherwise it is not consistent in my opinion, because the local physical dmg is the "base". since close range doubles the bow damage, it should increase its base and for those it counts also for ailments.

well i just saw the wording change: "100% More Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range"
it is no longer "100% more bow damage". point blank also "Projectile Attacks". how crazy they fucked up ignite for that long. they try to bring it back in the next expansion, but it wont be enough again i guess ^^.
Last edited by b44dss#1052 on May 19, 2018, 3:33:35 AM
Uoykai wrote:
"The Chance to Ignite Support Gem has been renamed to Combustion Support. Enemies ignited by supported skills lose up to 19% fire resistance."
3.3 patchnotes...
Will we have limited time on a resistance reductions? Will it depend on Ignite duration? Or will it have additional timer?

seems clear to me:

"Enemies ignited by supported skills lose up to 19% fire resistance"

if the ignite goes off, resistance is gained back. so it is limited to the ignite time of the skill obviously. in this case it can also be a different skill than your main skill. u can still go for a 6 link skill without chance to ignite, when u ignite the boss beforehand with firestorm or so, he loses 19% resistance and then u go for the kill with ur main damage skill.

EDIT: or you can go orb of storms with chance to ignite when u got some added fire spell damage somehow on your gear and ignite with that easily and reliable. then you go for some big flameblast hit or so for maximum ignite dmg IF there is a different support which provides more dmg with ignite than "chance to ignite support".
Last edited by b44dss#1052 on May 19, 2018, 5:24:27 AM

I have a question regarding "getting fated versions of items" (fating?) and what parameters influence the outcome of statrolling. Are there any at all, like Char/item/map-level, number of players in party etc?
From the Assassin ascendancy's 'Ambush and Assassinate' node, how does the '+40% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Life' interact with damage over time if the 'Perfect Agony' keystone is specced (assuming the hit that delivers the ailment crits)? Will the damage over time benefit from the bonus multiplier for the entire duration?

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