Mechanical Questions Thread
" Ah, never saw anything related in patch notes and after checking the whole thing it seems your tooltip isn't lowering even if your net result is negative. It's kinda funny, you obviously aren't on full life but your dps stays the same, so yeah, bugged tooltip is my best guess. " 1. No, only one of the arrows released at the same time from the same origin point can hit, that's the global 'no shotgunning' rule. So, you can hit with the primary arrow and one secondary arrow at most. 2. The same, primary arrows are all released at once so only one will hit. However, when secondary arrow volleys are released each can hit again, so you can get four hits with LMP TS once from the primary volley and once for each secondary volley (assuming you're lucky enough). " 1. Add the base crit bonus from inc crit strikes support to the base of your weapon or spell, that's 10,35% for you. 2. Apply all 'increased crit chance' bonuses to the number, including 200% from 4 power charges, so if the total number is 475% you multiply the base with 5,75, that's 59,5% (capped at 95%). 3. Add the percentage from assassin's mark to the result, so 59,5 + 9 = 68,5% (can push it over the cap to 100%) 4. Multiply with your chance to hit because of confirmation roll to get the actual crit chance when you hit something with an attack (tooltip won't show this). 5. Calculate the final crit chance when diamond flask is up by simulating a double roll that keeps the higher value. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" Did you find " Looks like you're looking in a slightly wrong place. When you press C and look at the Offence tab, by default, it shows you the Default Attack's offensive stats. In between the tabbed sections and your basic stats up above, it there is a ribbon of Skill icons. Click the Skill icon that corresponds to your 6L and it will show you a critical strike chance higher than 36.76% when you remove or add the Increased Critical Strikes Support gem. " Presuming you have no other sources of +x% critical strike chance (the main ones I can think of are Assassin ascendancy and an Essence craft for, I believe, gloves), we can verify the figure you see. 8.45% * (1 + 0.6 + 2.75) should equal 36.76%... and it does! The magic of math. 2, 3, and 6 will be reflected in your tooltip as you have them active, assuming of course that you have the character sheet showing the correct Skill :) but since I like doing math, we can calculate that for you as well. ICSS 20/20 grants +1.9% flat and 108% increased. Power Charges grant 50% increased each. Ice Golem 20 grants 30% increased. Therefore, your tooltip when "fully charged" should show: (8.45 + 1.9) * (1 + 0.6 + 2.75 + 1.08 + 4*0.5 + 0.3) = 80.0055, or 80.01% (Maybe 80.00%, as POE is known to round down). 20/20 Assassin's Mark is tricky, because enemies have varying levels of anti-Curse measures. Assuming 100% curse effectiveness, you simply add 9% to this chance, for 89% crit chance. Map Bosses have native 60% less curse effectiveness on them, so 0.4 * 9 = 3.6 -> 3% additional crit chance on them for 83% crit chance. Then of course it does nothing against Curse Immune and Hexproof enemies, unless you have Cospri's Will, in which case you can ignore Hexproof. Calculation of Hexwarded follows similarly to the boss effect thing, and stacks multiplicatively with that. Diamond Flask is kinda complicated mathematically. Taking the better of two rolls means that you have to take chance of success to chance of failure, square it, then turn it back into chance of success. Assuming you fight a Curse Immune monster, it would look like this: 1-(1-0.8)^2 = 0.96, or 96% "effective crit chance" Assuming you fight a non-Unique non-Hexwarded monster, it would look like this: 1-(1-0.89)^2 = 0.9879, or 98.79% "effective crit chance" EDIT: raics reminded me of a good point. Everything I wrote up above is assuming 100% accuracy. Critical Strikes go through a "threat confirm" mechanic that essentially "double dips" on your accuracy. Specifically, in addition to passing the crit chance test, you must roll chance to Hit a second time in order to actually crit. If you fail the second chance to Hit you just do a normal Hit, no crit. This is easy to math out; you take your chance to hit and square it, and multiply that by your crit chance: 85% chance to hit => (0.85)^2 * 0.9879 = 71.38% Chance to {Crit, Given Only that you have Attempted a Hit} Need game info? Check out the Wiki at: Contact for account issues. Check out How to Report Bugs + Post Images at: Last edited by adghar#1824 on Mar 31, 2017, 5:13:36 AM
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" Thanks for answer, now it's clear for me. |
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Hi mark
Does hex master affect blasphemy's radius? Gem's description says blasphemy it's a curse, but not an AoE gem, despite of blasphemy can be linked with an AoE gem. |
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Hey guys, I have some questions about physical damage converted to elemental damages:
1. If I use Ice shot which converts 60% phys dmg to cold while wearing a Xoph's Nurture bow which converts 50% phys dmg to fire, will I deal zero physical damage? 2. Using the above example, what will happen if I have the passives Weapon Cold Damage + Winter Spirit which convert 40% of my total phys dmg to cold? Half of my phys damage will be cold and the other half would be fire? 3. How does these convertions afect the Hatred aura? Since the aura itselfs works based on a percentage of physical damage, is it worth to use it on an elemental bow build? Will I get more returns on a physical bow build with more %to phys damage or it doesn't matter? |
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How do I calculate Damage?
As simple as that. This game is so dense, I could use a clear, solid guide for understanding damage. A lot of people seem to be arguing about this topic, and claims to fame have been made.. 10 millions dps, so on. Yet when you play the game.. most builds feel quite nerfed and underpowered. I would like to understand how much actual, REAL damage I need to do end game content. Roughly. And how to calculate that. Roughly [because obviously there is a bit of chance / randomness]. So basically: how many types of damage there are? what can convert to what? how many types of tooltip approximations there are? what each means [like what is 'per use', what is average, or a 'stack', so on]? what does and what doesn't get included in the tooltip [like crit, charges, etc]? how do we calculate each type of damage? like DoT for example. how does this damage get additions and multiplications from the skill tree? how do monster resistances affect different types of damage? Along the same line.. it would be good to have a good, clear, simple, comprehensive guide for understanding Defenses. Cheers! Monkey EDIT: OK, I found this incredible, astonishing, and amazing YouTube series : D Last edited by monkeyonyourtonsils#1999 on Mar 31, 2017, 2:54:28 PM
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Hey, I have two questions about stun.
How does stun recovery affect how long I'm stunned for? The wiki says the formula for stun duration is 350X(attackers stun duration-defenders stun recovery), but I've seen some people say that it's 350X(100/(100+stun recovery)). If I get stunned in the middle of using a skill, do I still lose mana? |
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Molten Shell Absorbed Damage are include damage that migitate by MoM?
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Ancestral Warchief totems are either bugged or GGG just intentionally forgot to add passive AoE to this skill.
Here is screenshot of range (or lack of it) - - 20lvl / 20q aoe gem - templar aoe circle Without AoE gem, range change is not even noticeable. With same setup in 2.5 i was able to hit twice as that range. I wrote mail to support, got moved here ( |
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Does the Might and Influence jewel scale with AoE on tree/ascendancy? It's never really made obvious in game which I think is a bit silly. Or is it better to just use Melee Splash as usual?
My initial thought is to just run with Melee Splash anyway but eh maybe the jewel has its surprises. Edit: all right I just tried it out for a little while. AoE seems pure garbage. Why does Cleave get a cool jewel and Dual Strike left in the lurch as always. Last edited by liamwpk#2298 on Apr 2, 2017, 10:46:18 AM
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