Mechanical Questions Thread

I've recently returned to PoE, and although I love the sheer complexity and flexibility of the character building system in PoE, I do think more could be done to help the player understand how certain mechanics work.

For example TarkeCat in this video explains how due to the fact that the Burning Arrow threshold jewel simply exists (not equipped) , the Burning Arrow gem inherits a hidden Duration tag and how it bamboozles even a veteran PoE player such as Mathil: He is confused when a viewer of his Twitch stream tells him to use less duration to increase the damage output of Burning Arrow and is then dumbfounded when he sees the tooltip damage increase when slotting it in.

It would be great if these interactions could be made a lot clearer. Another example would be to differentiate more clearly between "increased damage" and "more damage" affixes which to the untrained eye appear to be expressing the same thing, but are in fact subtly yet profoundly different.

If there is anything I can do as a recently returning and hence somewhat noobish player to help the devs clear things up, let me know!

Hi, i was wondering about a few things in game.
I saw that the Brass Dome makes you recieve NO extra damage from critical strikes. So naturally i though of how to abuse this mechanic to the absolute max and i would like to know if this would work before investing the currency in a new chest plate.

If you wear the Brass Dome and have the passive "indomitable" which gives "You take 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes", does that mean that the multiplier which you use for crit would essentially become a 0,8 multi which would make a global dmg reduction for incoming crits? i would like to pair these up with 5 of the "reckless defence" jewel to get full spell block aswell as a an average dmg reduction of 10%.

Besides from this, i have had my eyes on the ascendancy node "Tukohama, War's Herald", and more specifically the "Totems Reflect 8% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to
nearby Enemies when Hit" part. Can you give me some info on what would affect this? Does spell dmg affect it? obviously fire dmg and AOE should affect it, but can i affect this "skill" by socketing support gems in the same link chain as my totem? Say i used a decoy totem, could i use Conc effect, controlled destruction and iron will to support it?
Hi, I have question about Minions. Can Spell damage and +to Fire damage from passive tree give to Fire golems more damage?
deoxesgames wrote:
If im use 3 Jewels Pacifism on raider, ill got buff accendacy ...on full frenzy charges?


old_joe wrote:
1. Southbound gloves and Gratuitous Violence[..]
So maybe mobs can still die around from those blood explosions whilst i'm wearing this gloves?

Only if they're Frozen.
Worth noting: the Bleed will still kill enemies just fine.

old_joe wrote:
2. Same Gratuitous Violence and also Blood in the Eyes, saying that i have - increased Damage against Bleeding Enemies
does it counts for all damage types?

Yes. It's unspecified -> it applies to all Damage, including Elemental.

old_joe wrote:
3. Node Bloodletting, its wording put in the same manner, but with word "Attack" - "Increased Attack Damage against bleeding enemies" - same question, will it apply for all dmg types on bleeding enemies?

It will apply to all Damage types, but only for Attacks. Spells, Damage over Time and the explosions from the Gladiator passives do not deal Attack Damage, and thus will not benefit from Bloodletting.

old_joe wrote:
4. last Q. Southbound glovse have - 50% increased Herald of Ice Damage.
Is it count only for on-kill explosions of freez dudes? or for - Adds (4-38) to (5-56) Cold Damage to Attacks too?

Only applies to the explosions.

ShinigamiKller wrote:
If i use elemental overload with totems then totems will deal no bonus damage with critical strikes or they will plus the damage from EO if i activate it myself?

Your Totems will have a Crit Multiplier of 0%.
If you have the Elemental Overload Buff, your Totems will deal %More Damage. Note that you need to Crit, not your Totems.

PKring wrote:
Does the Raider's increased Onslaught effectiveness affect the use of a Silver Flask?

Onslaught is Onslaught, yes.

Arno92 wrote:
If i use Elemental Equilibrium with Vaal Detonate Dead, will it do more harm than good? Considering Vaal DD is a series of explosions, I would assume the first hit of the chain reaction procs extra fire resistance for the monster, so the rest of the explosions deal less fire dmg. Im looking for confirmation, maybe i missed something.

You are correct.

Arno92 wrote:
2nd question: How does (Vaal)Detonate Deads base flat fire dmg interacts with the 6/8% monster life fire dmg?
Is that flat damage shown on the skillgem seperate from the monster life based dmg portion, which means in party i lose dmg output relative to soloplay just like with other skills?

Detonate Dead deals its listed damage, plus x% of monster life not counting the Party Life bonus. So yes, your Damage will decrease relative to solo play.

Drusek wrote:
Does Animate Guardian have any stats (str,dex,int) apart from item modifiers?


Soepoelse123 wrote:
If you wear the Brass Dome and have the passive "indomitable" which gives "You take 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes", does that mean that the multiplier which you use for crit would essentially become a 0,8 multi which would make a global dmg reduction for incoming crits?

With The Brass Dome, you take 0 Extra Damage from Crits. Indomitable reduces this 0 by another 20%.

Soepoelse123 wrote:
Besides from this, i have had my eyes on the ascendancy node "Tukohama, War's Herald", and more specifically the "Totems Reflect 8% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to
nearby Enemies when Hit" part. Can you give me some info on what would affect this? Does spell dmg affect it? obviously fire dmg and AOE should affect it, but can i affect this "skill" by socketing support gems in the same link chain as my totem? Say i used a decoy totem, could i use Conc effect, controlled destruction and iron will to support it?

From the wiki:
"Since it is reflected damage, the damage dealt by Tukohama, War's Herald when a totem is hit is not affected by any modifiers to the player's damage, including from support gems."

andrey-z5z wrote:
Hi, I have question about Minions. Can Spell damage and +to Fire damage from passive tree give to Fire golems more damage?

No. Minions do not benefit from your modifiers unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Blood Magic, Mortal Conviction, 19% Mana Reserved, Grace, Discipline, 2x Blasphemy

* 64% life reserved

* 62% life reserved (Mikelat is working properly for 18% Mana Reserved but not for 19% Mana Reserved)

My own formula based on


* 66% life reserved (21+15+15+15)

If my own function is correct the only way to stay above low life is running Enlighten on the two Blasphemy auras (21+15+14+14=64).

Which one is correct?
Last edited by zorker#7481 on Mar 15, 2017, 10:15:52 AM
Mikelat's has always been accurate. However, the latest patch might have changed how rounding works (Aura Effect now rounds to nearest rather than always-down, for example), and Mikelat's won't have been updated to account for that. I'll bump it up on my to-do list, will get to it today or tomorrow. See if we can figure out if anything's changed..
Mechanics, I would think this would apply to them.

My question would be more of a request, is there any way or can there be a way to adjust objects in the hideout on the z-axis, meaning to raise/lower them, because being able to for example, put laying down exiles on couches instead of in them, would be great.

Thanks for taking the time to read regardless of if this can be answered/done.
Blood in the Eyes (Gladiator passive)

Tooltip said:
30% increased Damage against Bleeding Enemies
6% reduced Damage taken from Bleeding Enemies
30% chance for Attacks to Maim on Hit against Bleeding Enemies
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding

Question is - increased damage vs bleeding enemies is addict or multy damage bonus?
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG

Thanks for the information

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