or its the only valuable item he has and he got hacked. your orbs gone too?
ign allevia
Posted bymaster_axe#7055on Feb 20, 2013, 12:08:01 AM
All my valuable orbs gone as well as quality gem !!!
Seriously, i doubt there is a flow in GGG security.
Posted byerickk#2226on Feb 20, 2013, 12:58:41 AM
Veryll wrote:
Lask001 wrote:
ultimaquill wrote:
I was in the act 3 town on normal browsing my stash when I looked and my gloves were just gone, I checked my stash multiple times and they weren't in there. I know I didn't vendor them because I hadn't even gone to the vendor yet and they were still equipped. Can someone help me with this and tell me if there's anything I can do to resolve this issue.
If you are 100% sure you don't have it, then it's gone forever as GGG does not restore items ever. You must have misplaced it, data doesn't just disappear like that - I don't know how they store info but your entire character is likely 1 file on the server - meaning it's all or nothing being corrupted.
It's highly unlikely that characters are stored as files, much more likely they are stored as rows in a database, and items as a seperate table and therefore one item could theoretically disappear if one row got corrupted. But this is, as i said, higly theoretical, so the most likely cause, as Lask pointed out is that you accidentially destroyed or sold the item.
Could really be either way to be honest. The only reason I guessed it was singular files is because that's how d2 did it, but really we are just grasping at straws.
Posted byLask001#4507on Feb 20, 2013, 2:38:47 AM
I fast traveled to a player to trade and my entire inventory disappeared. 20 exalts gone
I was doing my t15 and got two divines and put them in my stash tab and went into a another one and they were gone please fix this