Spirit Offering

Can we please get the sound effect toned done a bit? I am playing this build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2643268

Spirit offering is a main source of incoming damage mitigation via cast when damage taken. It goes off every like less than second or so. Super annoying unfortunately. The build is super fun but I can only play it with sound muted.

Yes this please!! I'm new to the end game, it's my 1st time playing past act 10 and trying out any viable builds for end game content. I've never posted to the forums on any games before. But the sound effects for the trio offering skills is a lot louder than most other sound effects that I've come across in the whole game thus far. Could it be maybe modified or as he says "toned down" so we can enjoy other sound effects in this game. The gorgeous Dragon portal my husband gifted me on Valentine's, it makes such a lovely sound, I want to be able to enjoy it each time the portal is summoned. Pretty pretty please. Thank you so much ^-^ ♥♥♥
so you just removed spirit offering from the game instead of making it unsuable with cast when channeling?

ggg it makes no sense as always, awful balance decision.
what GGG does in patch 3.10 to spirit offering makes this skill totally useless. I know you guys think cwc+spirit offering+desecrate is a too powerful and accessible ES recovery method, but removing entire ES recovery effect of this skill kills another big and interesting BD group of Necromancer - CWDT BD achieved by Heartbound or Scold's Bridle, which are great application of Self Casting and almost suit all spell skills.
CWDT BD is not imba because these bds sacrifice physical damage reduction and lots of jewel sockets (To Dust jewel to decrease skeleton duration) and ES recharge to get high attack/cast speed and offset high self-harm damage.
I strongly suggest GGG can bring back ES recovery effect and nerf skill effect to "2% of maximum life as Energy Shield" from 4% and add a limitation that "only if you take damage by hit in last 1 sec can this recovery effect be valid" to avoid this skill being abused by many normal minion-summoning bd and bring CWDT BDs back to life.
HOPE GGG can respond and treat my advice seriously.
Last edited by argenwing688 on Mar 15, 2020, 9:21:43 AM

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