[3.6] [HC-SC] [10 Blades] Tankster Crit BV MoM Fake Poison Build [Damage from 1,5 mi DPS]

Sorry for the rash and undetailed reply earlier. I had an exam yesterday and a bunch of classes, got home tired and was frustrated after my failed shaper run. I will provide a detailed summary regarding the shaper with my setup.

This is my gear:

This is my passive tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYCAAPuBAcEswVCBx4I9AkgDkgPqxEtES8RlhXtFr8YPBhWGF0c3B2-IvQkiyaVKPoqCyo4LJwxnjLRM4c1kjY9Olg64TwFPLY9X0GHQZZEq0VHRZ1JUUyzTeNSU1NSVL1VS1WuVcZauVxAXfJh4mKsZJ1qQ2qMbAtsjG0ZbWxwUnWefIN_xoCzghCCx4PbhMWHy4nTiw6MNo8aj6aP-pFHkyeVLpaLl5WX9Jrgm7WdqqIAotmjo6ZXp5ut8a6zsNi1SLc-uJO86r0nwFTAZsM6yBTPFdD11bnYvdo737DrY-vu6_XvfPAf8NXyHfJF9W_56P4K_o8=

I have %cast speed, %max life, %increased dmg on 1 jewel and %cast speed, %max life on the 2 others.

Using this setup I don't have a problem with the shaper in the 1st phase. With vaal pact I can tank his portals and I think I can tank his laser but the run I did yesterday I didn't want to take that risk.

The 2nd phase is where I start running into some problems. Before I continue I'm not 100% familiar with shaper mechanics yet but I think I have a good enough understanding. So the problem starts before the Zana red bubble phase. The shaper will spawn mobs with zana in the middle charging up a spell. I need to defend her during this phase. While this is happening, white balls start coming to me and if they get too close, they spawn a permenant vortex. I move to an edge of the map so the vortex spawns at the edge and whirling blades back to Zana to try to defend her. I don't DPS the mobs down fast enough so they kill Zana before she charges up the beam that closes the portal. If she loses all her hp it seems like she has to recover. This becomes a problem when the shaper starts his blue ball of death phase. Zana is supposed to charge up her bubble and block all the incoming blue balls but instead I'd have to wait a second for her to charge before she puts the red bubble up. This is where I die to the blue balls. If I die and go back into the boss room, it becomes very hard because the ground at this point is filled with vortexes. As soon as I enter the boss room, I either get greeted by the shapers giant laser or I spawn into a vortex. For my first couple of runs I'd die twice in a row because of this. If I dps the mobs down fast enough none of this would happen. I only died once here during yesterday's run.

After the second phase, I fight the uncreated again. This time around he's on steroids and shoots balls much like the shaper. He has a skill where he shoots a set of balls that expand outward in a circular formation. That is usually what instantly kills me. I'm not too sure if this is an attack or a spell and also what type of damage it does but it does a lot of damage. I might be standing too close to him so I get hit by 2 balls at a time, not too sure what the mechanic on this part is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eszUi5XlIOI If u skip to about 6min that's when he shoots his circular, outward expanding balls. At about 6:15 the uncreated does uses that skill again and the guy in the vid takes a ton of dmg but is able to leech it back up almost instantly. For me however, that's where I just die. I'm not too sure but I think the guy in the vid uses this build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1605471.

Looking at iceclad's pathfinder bv build I thought of some things that I want to try but I want ur opinion.

1.I will run a +20% physical dmg to lightning dmg vessel of vinktar and a shock removing flask

2.I will switch my granite flask to rumi's concoction so I can block some of those balls.

3.I will try to switch my blasphemy + warlord's mark + enfeeble + herald of ash to blasphemy + warlord's mark + enfeeble + enlighten and switch my orb of storms + pcoc + increased crit strikes to orb of storms + pcoc + hatred + enlighten. I'm not too sure how well this one's gonna work or if this is gonna work. My orb of storms without increased crit chance has a 35% crit chance which is more than enough to easily sustain 3 power charges. My idea is that enlighten and alpha's howl reduces mana cost so I'd be able to run a 50% aura on top of my blasphemy setup. I'm not too sure if I'll have enough mana left afterwards, right now with warlord's + enfeeble + herald of ash im working with 163 unreserved. I'm also thinking of using essence worm but not too sure if I'll have enough mana.

4.I will try running saffrel's frame specifically for the uncreated so I can get insane spell block. Again I'm not too sure if his balls are spells but I think they are. If not then I'll just use rathpith.

5. I will run taste of hate

Originally I thought that only energy shield builds can do the shaper but from that video it seems that life based bv can easily do it too. We just need to reconfigure our build so like that life based bv pathfinder, we can easily do it too.
Last edited by Waoooo on Oct 14, 2016, 5:18:15 PM
Waoooo wrote:

Do you have Master Surgeon passive? Not? Forget about Vessel then - it wouldn't help too much. )))
And without perma Vessel there is no any crazy leech and no face tanking at the center of the vortex (I'm pretty sure this is chaos spell) or even big laser (like at 4:14, lol).
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
Last edited by SilverWF on Oct 14, 2016, 8:25:28 PM
SilverWF wrote:
Waoooo wrote:

Do you have Master Surgeon passive? Not? Forget about Vessel then - it wouldn't help too much. )))
And without perma Vessel there is no any crazy leech and no face tanking at the center of the vortex (I'm pretty sure this is chaos spell) or even big laser (like at 4:14, lol).

For the shaper fight I only need enough dps to kill the mobs that spawn. I'll use a charge as soon as they spawn and I should get enough charges back to sustain my dps. The shaper fight is fine it's just that I don't have enough dps to protect Zana when she's about to close the portal. Ur right though charge consumption is a problem that's why im considering taste of hate instead of vessel.
As for the uncreated I don't have a solution yet.
Last edited by Waoooo on Oct 14, 2016, 9:05:54 PM
Good feedback Waoooo. If the main problem is the portal fase I can suggest remove the Orb of Storm and use Whiter + spell totem + faster casting. I think that this can work. With this you will gain MORE CHAOS DAMAGE stacked (with your bonus of increased of skill effect duration) and will reduce the enemies speed.
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast

I dropped herald of ash for enlighten and I reskilled MoM so I could survive the uncreated. I used ur wither+spell totem and rallying cry setup to deal with the minions coming out of the portal.

I feel so stupid after clearing the shaper because I missed the whole point of the build; poison and chaos damage. I didn't know that poison can stack infinitely and that it scaled off of skill duration. I kept trying to incorporate elemental damage into it so I could leech more but it wasn't necessary.

Here's my conclusion about the build:

- Vaal pact + life leech skill gem is absolutely necessary for end game survivability.

- Rallying cry + wither is also mandatory for this setup because the damage boost u get is unparalleled. I did notice a lack of clear speed for maps but for bosses it's huge

- Blasphemy + warlord's mark + enfeeble with MoM is also necessary for end game survivability. I don't think running vulnerability instead of enfeeble will allow u to tank shaper or the uncreated but I haven't tried. I don't think I'm about to try either. Alpha's howl is a really good unique to have because it reduces mana reserved and gives a ton of evasion. It also allows u to drop a freeze immune flask for something else.

This is my final skill tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYCAAPuBAcEswVCBx4I9AkgDkgPqxEtES8RlhXtFr8YPBhWGF0c3B2-IvQkiyaVKPoqCyo4LJwxnjLRM4c1kjY9Olg64TwFPLY9X0GHQZZEq0VHRZ1JUUyzTeNSU1NSVL1VS1WuVcZauVxAXfJh4mKsZJ1qQ2qMbAtsjG0ZbWxwUnWefIN_xoCzghCCx4PbhMWFMofLidOLDow2jxqPpo_6kUeTJ5UulouXlZf0muCbtZ2qogCi2aOjplenm63xrrOw2LVItz64k7zqvSfAVMBmwzrIFM8V0PXVudi92jvrY-vu6_XvfPAf8NXyHfJF9W_56P4K_o8=
Last edited by Waoooo on Oct 17, 2016, 2:46:46 AM
Waoooo wrote:
I dropped herald of ash for enlighten and I reskilled MoM so I could survive the uncreated. I used ur wither+spell totem and rallying cry setup to deal with the minions coming out of the portal.

I feel so stupid after clearing the shaper because I missed the whole point of the build; poison and chaos damage. I kept trying to incorporate elemental damage into it so I could leech more but it wasn't necessary.

Glad you are finally realised that - this build is about phys+chaos and, cos of that, poison :)
Gz with Shaper down, btw :) I'm too unlucky (if honest - mostly lazy) to drop parts for him :)
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
Last edited by SilverWF on Oct 16, 2016, 9:25:24 PM
SilverWF wrote:
Waoooo wrote:
I dropped herald of ash for enlighten and I reskilled MoM so I could survive the uncreated. I used ur wither+spell totem and rallying cry setup to deal with the minions coming out of the portal.

I feel so stupid after clearing the shaper because I missed the whole point of the build; poison and chaos damage. I kept trying to incorporate elemental damage into it so I could leech more but it wasn't necessary.

Glad you are finally realised that - this build is about phys+chaos and, cos of that, poison :)

I tried to incorporate elemental damage because I found life leech to be lack luster. Since u can't leech damage over time I didn't think I'd be able to survive the shaper's damage output. Guess vaal pact + life leech gem is all u need.
Congrats waoooo. Later I will put all the relevant information that you put in the initial post. The big question now is: is possible to kill the Shaper without Cospri's Will (using Cloak of Flame) in a cheaper build? If there volunteer to test would be good. :P
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast
Here's some more information about the build so far:

- I don't know if the shaper can be done deathless consistently right now. In my run yesterday, I died 4 times; twice in the second phase and twice to the uncreated. Surprisingly enough I didn't die in the third phase. The shaper phases isn't a problem if ur an expert in running it. It's the uncreated that will kill u instantly if u get unlucky with ur evade/block or if u have slow reactions. I will have to do more shaper runs to see if I can run it deathless consistently but as of now I wouldn't take this build into a hardcore run.

- This build has problems with hydra and chimera because they are immune to poison. Hydra can be done deathless but u'd have to dodge all his attacks, which isn't that hard, but it takes a while to kill her. Chimera is a bit sketchy because he enters a cloud phase where he gets free hits on u and u'd have to search the clouds to find him. There's nothing to life leech off of in this phase. He also hits pretty hard and fast so ur very likely to die here.

- Reflect maps are very sketchy. I ran a t14 mineral pool map with 18% reflect yesterday and I died instantly when I didn't have my granite/basalt flask charges up. I'd say avoid them but they can be done if ur really good at managing flasks. Also lightning thorns is a no no for this build.

- I haven't done uber atziri yet with my new setup but I think it can be done easily deathless. I've cleared it before with my old setup but not deathless though. I will do some runs once I have enough currency to buy a couple of mortal sets.

- I personally find map clear speed to be slower with this setup. It's not terribly slow but compared to running herald of ash it's definitely slower because u don't get the overkill aoe damage. I think if ur only planning to do maps and not shaper/uber atziri, herald of ash is great. Drop MoM if ur running it. I might also try a different glove enchantment because like poison, cmomandment of the tempest takes some time to charge up.

Congrats waoooo. Later I will put all the relevant information that you put in the initial post. The big question now is: is possible to kill the Shaper without Cospri's Will (using Cloak of Flame) in a cheaper build? If there volunteer to test would be good. :P

The physical mitigation will help especially if running purity of fire. I'm not sure if the damage will be enough because u'll have to run poison skill gem. If u don't kill the minions fast enough u will die during his blue ball phase because zana won't be able to put the red bubble up in time.

The setup I'm running is very expensive. I'd say I spent around 20ex so far on the build but that's because I had to change some stuff around and chrome my cospris multiple times. My gear probably costs around 12ex on ESC.
Last edited by Waoooo on Oct 17, 2016, 2:06:54 PM

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