PvP damage reductions or lack of

Rakiii wrote:
You´re right but I was talking about fixing OP stuff in pve first so that would solve smth in pvp too.

I should stay I´ve played lld mostly so I can´t judge hld (RT works in lld well etc)

I had played diablo2 PvP with rules but these were being created during years (by its comunity, devs didn´t care, pvp penalty existed though).

We had only a few pvp builds in diablo2 but here ... the complexity of the game is insane .. yeah it´s pain to balance it.
Some skills are always better than others (due to its mechanic, special effects etc) so atleast those should be balanced well.

I don´t expect they would balance every skill or possible combination, don´t expect much.
So reducing damage output and some OP shit would be a good start.

Rupenus - As I stated before, I have tried LLD mostly, some rangers, cycloner, trapper, hybrids (trap+bow), witch ... (just started a bit of pvp during perandus HC season)
It has great potential (many interesting builds around) but without any balance, there´s no real competition.

That´s my point of view.

I know, I too played a combination of restricted and random duel game PvP in Diablo for years.

LLD as different as it is still shares quite a few core problems with HLD and you're right balancing skills in PvM directly affects us. What's strong now is used pretty universally between both types of player.

Oh and RT works just fine in HLD too, it's just some skills are gimped by PvP reductions while other's aren't. Or the fact crit potential has raised the damage ceiling so high that it's nearly impossible without mashing health flasks/blind/enfeeble/crit reduction/a prayer that you can out dps/survive a face to face with a crit user that's in good gear. Why first and foremost crit needs to be lowered in PvP then you balance around the new "ceiling".
IGN: MullaXul
what happened to that big tits pvp game mulla? i forgot its name i might give a try
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Rupenus wrote:
what happened to that big tits pvp game mulla? i forgot its name i might give a try

Devilian, it's cool I haven't been playing it. I have too many other things going on to dedicate time to more then a few games at once. There was a big issue with crowd control effects in PvP. Two classes could lock you down and nuke you if your cooldowns weren't ready but you had dispelling potions. Other then that it was pretty cool and since I stopped playing they've updated the game like 10x so I'm sure it's been fixed or other balance was done to the other classes.

The game requires you to grind different dungeons either solo or in parties of 3 for gear and gems. Arch dungeons are basically uber ones with unique layouts and bosses completely different then your regular set. There's raid bosses, rifts etc.. etc.. throughout the open world as well. Gems are upgrade-able and are used to upgrade your socket-ables "artifacts". You get skill tree's and can mix and match between them. You can mix and match gear, for set bonuses and there's the obvious cosmetic stuff all games offer now a days. There's also a daily tower you can compete in for rankings/rewards and points used to purchase gear from that specific vendor. There's 3 types of PvP, open world in the hunting grounds but never really saw anyone there. Devilian where you PvP in Devil form and normal where it's human only which is the one to play.

Forgot to mention there's runes you can customize your gear with in the higher tiers. Also cards you equip that provide bonus's, can link together and upgrade. Most important part though is this, the queue PvP is normalized where none of these things matter except your cards. Every unique stat or build you do is reduced to a set value for PvP...that's what killed it for me. You can literally enter PvP with the shittiest gear and have the same stats as the best geared player. The open PvP is all you, no limits but no ones ever there.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on May 28, 2016, 9:28:02 AM
MullaXul wrote:
Look, either balance the new skills for PvP or remove all the current reductions to older skills.

I agree completely.
pvp is just garbage currently there's no reason to build tanky because the lack of damage reduction. People think there gear/play style is good when really its just the current balancing meta. Please fix this GG till then its really Just daily's for pvp.
MullaXul wrote:
Rakiii wrote:
You´re right but I was talking about fixing OP stuff in pve first so that would solve smth in pvp too.

I should stay I´ve played lld mostly so I can´t judge hld (RT works in lld well etc)

I had played diablo2 PvP with rules but these were being created during years (by its comunity, devs didn´t care, pvp penalty existed though).

We had only a few pvp builds in diablo2 but here ... the complexity of the game is insane .. yeah it´s pain to balance it.
Some skills are always better than others (due to its mechanic, special effects etc) so atleast those should be balanced well.

I don´t expect they would balance every skill or possible combination, don´t expect much.
So reducing damage output and some OP shit would be a good start.

Rupenus - As I stated before, I have tried LLD mostly, some rangers, cycloner, trapper, hybrids (trap+bow), witch ... (just started a bit of pvp during perandus HC season)
It has great potential (many interesting builds around) but without any balance, there´s no real competition.

That´s my point of view.

I know, I too played a combination of restricted and random duel game PvP in Diablo for years.

LLD as different as it is still shares quite a few core problems with HLD and you're right balancing skills in PvM directly affects us. What's strong now is used pretty universally between both types of player.

Oh and RT works just fine in HLD too, it's just some skills are gimped by PvP reductions while other's aren't. Or the fact crit potential has raised the damage ceiling so high that it's nearly impossible without mashing health flasks/blind/enfeeble/crit reduction/a prayer that you can out dps/survive a face to face with a crit user that's in good gear. Why first and foremost crit needs to be lowered in PvP then you balance around the new "ceiling".

True, but the point is, it is becoming more of a math and gear contest than an enjoyable experience. You can always stay competitive, if you invest much time and effort, but to my opinion, this should not make new players get so much frustrated and disappointed.
That and the lack of a real incentive in normal PvP, has made most of us spend *some* time in the Arena and that's it.
Last edited by aryosgr#3381 on Jun 8, 2016, 2:38:26 AM
As someone who just queues for the leo daily (since there's really no other way to get leo rep without RMT) I ran into the OP here, my flicker barely cut through his regen (meanwhile w/e skill he used I didn't even get to see the attack swing before dying). Yes, I'm aware of flicker being nerfed to dust, but what's the point in balancing skills for PVP if you're not going to follow through with it?

It's true that not all of PoE's content is out yet, perhaps instead of dicking with balance, reset the nerfs/buffs to skill balance, and focus on PVP balance AFTER you're done making content for the game?

Just a thought.
Last edited by Aodui#3921 on Sep 1, 2017, 11:40:48 AM
My theorie is that the guy in charge of pvp balance (who had a bit of knowledge about it) no longer work for GGG since 2.0 release and that no one have a single clue how to do his job.

That's the only explanation I can see for the lack of T value on the new skills and the sudden disappearance of any kind of pvp skill dmg modification since that time (appart for the massive joke that was Sparks pvp value nerf).
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Aug 17, 2016, 11:45:43 AM
IceDeal wrote:
My theorie is that the guy in charge of pvp balance (who had a bit of knowledge about it) no longer work for GGG since 2.0 release and that no one have a single clue how to do his job.

That's the only explanation I can see for the lack of T value on the new skills and the sudden disappearance of any kind of pvp skill dmg modification since that time (appart for the massive joke that was Sparks pvp value nerf).

More likely he work on another part of the game and since they don t really plan to do anything with pvp ever again...

Poe Pvp experience

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