[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)

Aggnog wrote:
So anyone tried this build without elementalist? You get 90% ignite chance with just helm enchant and gem. With the new GMP bow you can probably afford this setup and yeah prolif gem is a lot worse but the aoe is higher so it might not end up being a huge difference.

this build is absolutely pointless without beacon of ruin, you may try any class with prolif and chance to ignite supports.
No rest for the wicked
Last edited by mezmery#2042 on Jun 5, 2016, 10:01:59 AM
mezmery wrote:
Aggnog wrote:
So anyone tried this build without elementalist? You get 90% ignite chance with just helm enchant and gem. With the new GMP bow you can probably afford this setup and yeah prolif gem is a lot worse but the aoe is higher so it might not end up being a huge difference.

this build is absolutely pointless without beacon of ruin, you may try any class with prolif and chance to ignite supports.

Thats what I said.
Aggnog wrote:
mezmery wrote:
Aggnog wrote:
So anyone tried this build without elementalist? You get 90% ignite chance with just helm enchant and gem. With the new GMP bow you can probably afford this setup and yeah prolif gem is a lot worse but the aoe is higher so it might not end up being a huge difference.

this build is absolutely pointless without beacon of ruin, you may try any class with prolif and chance to ignite supports.

Thats what I said.

thats why you take classes, no?
to spare gems.
so there is absolutely no reason to gimp youresf by taking prolif and ignite.
No rest for the wicked
Stop going offtopic with your build philosophies because I didn't ask for them.
Aggnog wrote:
Stop going offtopic with your build philosophies because I didn't ask for them.

that some kind of understanding of how much you failed your char?
No rest for the wicked
Paragon of calamity now has "Added 50% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken." in 2.3

Is this good enough for reflect proof? I'm HC
woodyfly wrote:
Paragon of calamity now has "Added 50% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken." in 2.3

Is this good enough for reflect proof? I'm HC

with my 27k tooltip i dont feel like reflect rares hurt, and you always can kill the pack around it and burn with prolif. max i got back was 2k at -max map, with my 6+ with kaom.
and you wont be able to do general reflect maps anyway.

i think ill stick to pendulum as last 2 points.
still for hc any defence is good, so paragon is obvious choice, just dont expect it enables reflect maps even with anti reflect ring.

finally somewhat finished my gear, saving for council bow now :)

No rest for the wicked
Last edited by mezmery#2042 on Jun 6, 2016, 3:02:39 PM
y dont u take the 4 nodes on the north to increase ignite chance?
(edit nvm, I found out that they don't do much, you don't really need more ignite chance :)

What is the best debuff for fire resisting enemies? vlnerability or flamm?
Last edited by woodyfly#3854 on Jun 6, 2016, 11:03:51 PM
Love your build so far everything goes great. level 89. cleared Colosseum easy and im surprised i did.

Last edited by junttto#5830 on Jun 7, 2016, 2:54:04 PM
Aggnog wrote:
So anyone tried this build without elementalist? You get 90% ignite chance with just helm enchant and gem. With the new GMP bow you can probably afford this setup and yeah prolif gem is a lot worse but the aoe is higher so it might not end up being a huge difference.

It's a little early to say I have "tried" it, but I'm working on a Raider version. Clvl 66 atm, self-found. It's a bit random, but I wanted to try the phasing/onslaught stuff and there is a little ele damage in there. It works really well so far, especially for the crappy stuff I am wearing. I'm curious how it will do when I get to maps.

Tree plan:

Lots of ugly travel points, I know, but at least I have no problems with stats. Where I go from there depends a lot on what I find. I'll probably use Daresso's armour, Doryani's belt and that new bow eventually. I'm not crazy about momentum builds, but with a Silver flask I should be able to keep up onslaught and phasing most of the time. Ele prolif support is better now so I may be able to drop some area nodes. Running Anger and HoA. Leveling Grace and PoF if I need them.
Last edited by DDuckman#4850 on Jun 7, 2016, 2:32:57 PM

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