[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)
83 at HC atm, i'll give some feedback if i get really end game
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I think a 400pdps bow if you can get one. Otherwise just keep using Lioneye's. @pedegie wow nice work on getting to 83. Sorry for the late reply. Let me know if you reach really end game. Try to get flat fire damage on your gear, as well as WED on your jewellery if possible. Good luck!! @Skip511 Yep surprised it got buffed this hard. The new prolif radius is huge and we can also get an extra golem and an extra 2 ascendancy points. I think 50% reduced reflected elemental damage might be a good choice. All these changes are pretty insane for our build. Last edited by MoarPizza#3433 on May 27, 2016, 8:59:31 AM
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Yep, upgraded a little my gear, my dps in hide with Anger, HoA and Golem is 20.2k, with 6 frenzy charges its ~27k I still dont have Mantra of Flames equpied and only 1 jewel on the tree. Could you check my profile and tell me what should i upgrade for more dps? What is priority of dps boost?: Flat fire > %ele dmg / %fire dmg > flat phys? You have still 10k more dps im curious its because of better jewelery or i just missing few jewels? About build, middle tier maps is going very well, 1-shoting every packs with bad mods like fire resists, ele eq, enfeeble. It takes 2-3 hits for stronger packs if we are running combination of 2-3 mods which we dont like (what is pretty rare even on yellow maps). I belive if i can reach dps about 40k - 50k on toolip we can easy run the highest tier maps. Porcupines as you said in thread are most dangerous, Im not sure is bone / flesh offering - cwdt setup working well here. Single monsters with reflect ele mod are NOT dangerous, i can easy stay alive even without Ruby Flask thanks to Immortal Call (which tells us we just hitted ele reflect mod and we have to be more careful until it dies), and Insta Heal flask. If i reach your dps and it would work well on highest tier maps i will consider change belt for Rustic Sash with high %ele mod / life / resists. What do you think about it? Is this faster burning really worth it? It needs to check what provides more DPS, 24% phys (implict) + about ~30~% ele mod or 20% faster burns. We can also take more life and resists on rare belt what is pretty important. Im sure its HC viable, the worst part is leveling but its more personal prefenrece i just dont like Firestorm :P We are also so much squishy without Kaom's. I had 3.5k hp at lvl 80 with only Evasion defence mechanic. I would prefer take more life nodes until you can afford Kaom's or just play well, manually - positioning is best defence mechanic ;) Thanks for the build, pretty nice! You said you tried to make some budget LA voltaxic, i think you did it well! :) EDIT: Ye Im missing dps so much, only 2 jewels left and toolip says 27k full buffed, its not enough for red mapping Last edited by pedegie#4693 on May 27, 2016, 4:37:10 PM
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Also what gem would you prefer for 6th link? I linked Lioneye in 1st fusing :D I will do some tests with Added Fire Dmg / Increased Burning Dmg / Faster Attacks
I'll also try put there Life Leech, maybe some nodes for life regen and then run Blood Rage instead of boots, its additional dps (+18% aspd?), also more resists on boots, then we can go for more offensive jewelery. I'll give some feedback tomorrow about 6th gem. 88 lv already :D Last edited by pedegie#4693 on May 27, 2016, 9:56:56 PM
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Probably added fire or slower projectiles for the 6th link. Nice 6L though. I think keep dyadian dawn for now. 20% faster burning is basically 20% more burning damage which is pretty huge. Make sure your burning arrow is 20/20. 20 quality on burning arrow is really good since it increases the burning duration by 60%. This is basically 60% more burning damage, so if you shoot into a pack, they will definitely burn to death. Jewels such as mantra of flames adds a lot of damage. Also a helm with the 20% increased burning arrow ignite chance is pretty huge. Good luck on getting further. Level 88 is pretty amazing for a HC character! Last edited by MoarPizza#3433 on May 28, 2016, 9:27:28 AM
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RIPED at 90 :D 1-shtoted by Village Ruin bitch with deadly mods, i should skip her.
Played: 2 days, 2 minutes I think its very good time for budget build i also didnt run Gorges / Plateu rotas because i started without any currency. I will continue testing on standard, noticed that quality on gems boost our dps SOO high. Im curious what toolip says with 20/20 6L bow. Good thing now i can make some tests on harder mods on highest tier maps and merc labs as well. |
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Can probably just use LMP instead of GMP. The extra arrow doesn't seem to be worth it for the lesser damage output and you still get good amount of AOE.
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ah RIP, that's a shame. Village ruin is a pretty tough map. But getting to 90 is a pretty good feat as well. @EvilWiffles The majority of our AoE comes from GMP rather than the proliferation, so it is mandatory. |
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Awesome build, might try this out, just a simple question though, will you favour this over the prolif pizza build for starting out in prophecy?
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Well, I haven't really needed GMP as LMP does a pretty good job. Can try yourself though, that's basically what I'm doing instead of GMP.
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