Chris just officially announced the death of PvP (SoE 51)
You guys need to come up with your own set of rules for PvP. You can't rely on GGG to do it for you any more. And if the rules turn out to be good, maybe then GGG will implement them. We did this in D2 (euro-pvp 2003-2008ish) and we had much more fun than the people "pvping" in the FFA public games.
Inquisitor OP? Well disallow it. Knockback/blind OP? dissallow them if certain conditions are met, etc. Want more participation? Set a budget cap where after the tournament is over anyone is allowed to buy anyone elses entire gear set for the budget cap, else they get DQ'd. Only allow casters to use 5Ls, etc. Set a level cap so people can try more builds. L28 is cool. How about L50, L65, L80, L90, etc. You guys are creative, but you need to put that creativity to work. Set up a team of people who know pvp well and are able to honestly admit what's overpowered (even if they use it themselves!!!) and chart together a set of rules. Host tournaments, update rules as broken stuff is discovered. Repeat... All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Apr 11, 2016, 1:54:40 PM
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" This is how we keep PvP alive IMO. It would take a strong community effort but if GGG is refusing to put any work into PvP surely we can regulate ourselves.....cant we?............guys? IGN:Dethklok
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 |
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Honestly, I never expect ggg to balance pvp around legacy/mirror league but his statement in this video is really discouraging. So basically, he is telling the community that pvp is fked, this is a pve game and everyone should just play pve in path of exile. Now there will be EVEN fewer people try pvp and whats broken will remain broken forever.
👱♀️ IGN: FamilyStrokes 💘
Mirror Shop: |
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His statement not only discouraged most of the current active PvP community, but all the newer players that wanted to give it a try.
Now what they see is chris statement saying that PvP goes nowhere in path of exile and they should look at pve instead, what a good way to discourage anyone into even trying pvp. The issue is completely on GGG's shoulders for badly promoting pvp, nothing they said encouraged players to actually try it and try to have fun. Based on my PvP experience since 2011 i have to say that PvP in poe is extremely fun if played against the right players and with the right community. Ofcourse if you go in sarn arena there's going to be full of glass canons builds that can only rely on 1 shot offscreen bullshit, but if you actually set up a team of players to do 3v3s or 1v1's respectively in queues it's the best times i ever had in pvp. I wouldnt have ammassed all this godly low life ek caster gear and kept it for so long if pvp wasnt fun to my eyes, i wouldnt have set up this whole tournament thread, i wouldnt have posted over 1.5k posts ALMOST all into pvp sections, i wouldnt be in a pvp guild, i wouldnt have a friend list full of pvp friends. GGG is badly promoting pvp, does not want to encourage players into trying it which leads to a community that is uninterested into it and does not want to try it because their game manager tells them to skip it and move on because they arent supporting it. If they would fix what is broken first and do tweakings thing's wouldnt be in the state we are in right now. I had so much fun in poe PvP that i cannot understand how a company like GGG cannot see the goods into it, D2 was sucessfull in pvp because blizzard wasnt putting all their damn intentions into useless pve content that everyone gets bored after a week, they dont put all their efforst onto crappy microtransactions every week and skip implemented stuff like pvp in their core game. D2 Blizzard had a strong PvP community because it was the only thing that players could do at the real end game, who the fuck was going to farm ubers and baal runs all week long in diablo 2 ? nobody unless you were a trader, everyone was moving on to PvP because it was the endgame. It's ENTIRELY your fault GGG if PvP is in a discouraged state right now, not the communitys fault. HELP us make it good, you have experienced pvp players ready to spread feedback all the way around yet you seem to think all we say is garbage, dont listing to trolls and listens to the ones that really want to do something about it. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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they should implement private instances which can be entered only by password. so we can protect the rules in sarn arena and pvp overall.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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I miss cold to fire broken shit. I mean Why nerfing so much things when it come to this.
BRING BACK COLD TO FIRE BUG GGG Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 11, 2016, 3:07:56 PM
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" I mean if you host a 1v1 tournament, just require everyone to unlock their character tab so you can see what they have equipped almost live. Sure you'll have to give away "secrets," but it seems like you guys have been warming up to that idea. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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I gotta be completely honest, I'm pretty saddened to hear it come right from him. Were it not for pvp, I honestly wouldn't have played PoE as long as I had, rlowe would not be the character she is now, the one true character I consider my main. pvp can be fun, and to hear Chris almost denounce it really will not get new players into it, which is sad because pvp really does have quite a bit of potential. To hear that it's really gonna be on the back burner after all we've had to put up with from the newest updates fucking pvp up is really a big slap in the face. And honestly, I can't see how he could really think pvp updates harm pve. pve was never hurt by the pvp push that we got in 1.3, it just didn't get new shit, whereas conversely, the more pve stuff is rolled out, pvp DOES suffer from it all.
Even worse was to hear a lot of players have allegedly gone to LoL. I mean let's be real, LoL and Dota are the McDonald's of gaming. Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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" Sorry but after years of waiting i cannot wait more for a pvp patch (specially now that i know that will never come), i will follow Chris advice since he likes so much losing many other on this forum i will take a break from poe. Speaking about LoL...i play it since beta, before it became so popular, the game have improved a lot since then, and was still good even with the 'crappy' graphics and bugs and the 15-20 minute queue before start a game, i think before judging a game you should at least have tried it and not talk about it from hearsay. Said this, i know that just because a lot of people play a game does not mean the game is good(see Diablo 3), but in this case I would recommend to try it, it isn' t for all, but it is the only game that after all this years hasn't bored me yet IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry
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Dota is one of the hardest and most interesting game I've ever played. The learning curve is the charts tho.
Only reason I don't play it much those days is that games usually last around 40 minutes and 1 Hour and a half wich is a lot of commitment. Anyway just got a mail from Nintendo, my 3DS is on his way back. Time to go back to Smash. I may also try Blade & Souls and Tree of Savior. Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Apr 12, 2016, 5:42:36 AM
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