Chris just officially announced the death of PvP (SoE 51)
I have to call bullshit on when he said they really pushed PvP. You did organized some tournaments back in 1.3 (and yeah it wasn't very popular unfortunately I get it) but since that (more than a year ago) NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING has been done to pvp. Broken stuff like EA and traps are plaguing pvp since that, been reported multiple time and yet NOTHING was done. Recently we tried to compile all the massive pvp flaws to speed up the devs work (talking about this thread : and no answers were given. A month ago I personally PMed a few members of the devs about how broken inquisitor and sparks will be, I've been promised that they'll look into it (in this thread : Fast forward to today, guess what, NOTHING has been done. And now Chris say on twitch that everytime they tried to push pvp they had negative reviews, of course you will, all the fundamentals are broken. You can't build a house on rotten foundations. You need to fix the core of it first THEN add extra options. You were an hypocrite Chris when you answered me in the first part of post Ascendancy launch Q/A saying "Some core team members want to spend some time improving PvP balance. This is a good goal, though we want to make sure that PvE content comes first." (reference thread : At this point seriously just do what Diablo 3 did, remove PvP entirely... Ho Wait, a lot of members of the pvp community are also big supporters, better tell them nice stories about the future of pvp to keep them around. One thing for sur, you will NEVER get any more money from me at this point, you can't lie to people forever. Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Apr 10, 2016, 9:13:54 PM Last bumped on Apr 13, 2016, 9:58:28 PM
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Very disapointing i must say, the problem is not even on our side...
Not enough interest to push PvP content forward i agree, but god damn atleast do the fixes and needed nerfs to atleast keep it alive. We did mention SEVERAL times what needed to be fixed and nothing has been done to do them, ofcourse no one is going to play PvP if things remain broken. Why expect interest when you dont fix the issues first ? I'm quite upset right now, '' several PvP patches without any out-come '' Wait what ? What did you do exactly ? An LLD tournament okay cool... but what about balance patches ? Atleast put someone into position to do the BASIC balance issue fixes, why just let it go down without even doing anything ? Lies upon lies, years after years and yet we keep getting shit on when we realize nothing is going to change even if they said balance changes would come. Not going to see a cent from me towards GGG's pocket until i see PvP balance patches, disgrace to a good part of poe and the community. This has to be the worst let down of a game portion i have ever seen, why implement something you cant even maintain, i guess that's one of the faults of a free ARPG game, not being able to make money out of it makes it useless and set aside. This sucks... IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Apr 10, 2016, 10:09:58 PM
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I'm so bummed for the future of this game. It had such potential, but Chris couldn't have made his intentions any clearer. What can we do? Nothing.
Waited to drop this bomb until after the currency tabs were released; Well played, GGG, well played. No more moniez from this poor schmuck either. 🎆🎆
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 |
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I wouldn't over react just yet.
In the conversation, the context was more about league events and leo. Not so much about the details of balance. You have to remember who these guys actually represent. They represent the people that think that a 6l attack, a hatred aura and a few heralds is a build. What bothers me the most is the "we can't balance pvp without hurting pve" which is untrue. In fact, anything that is imbalanced in pvp is going to be powerful in pve. Trap stacking and tempest shield are the only exception and only because of clear speed issues vs arpg mechanics. EA? Spark? mass discharge? this is not ok for pve nor the servers either. It's just a matter of tweaking relative class abilities and skills. 75%+ pen is not ok. Vinktar stacking, elementalist and hierophant are just as bad "high end way worse" when you factor in just basic gem, tree and item pen. In pve it's ok, and frankly it is balanced by comparison. Ele needs trigger chains and or (discharge too) multiple active skills. Hiero loses 2 links and inquisitor needs crit vs pve's 30% res. Vinktar is still just a potion too after all and you need a way to sustain it. Also, modifying effects with multiple hits (secondary or actual) per activation and dot effects. It has no bearing on pve whatsoever. They already did it with righteous fire. There is also a hard damage cap per hit on hits. So I don't really understand why people whom are mathematically intelligent would use such an excuse. It's embarrassing. |
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Well, some of you decided to keep faith in a lost cause instead of moving on.
I don t understand self infliction of pain and sadness you guys seems to love. Just stop with pvp and move on with more fruitful things to do in pve or just quit. This will never be balanced or viable pvp because the game change every 3 months, the items changes every 3 months and the tree changes every 3 months. You should have known better like Sith, victordoom and all the lost comrades. Also since they are now in brazil and china, your money won t really matter. All those RMT 1 shot skilless people who are now in pvp are enjoying this version of the game. The broken version with 1 shots and no tactics. THis game is now arcade pvp, sad but we seen since 1.3 were it was going. Just enjoy pve guys and play the new Doom for fun pvp jej. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 11, 2016, 6:11:02 AM
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Guys, dont give up. Post your opinions in that podcast news forum.
Here are my 5cents from that announcement forum thread: Hi Chris, it is very very sad and dissapointing statement about pvp. Here is my subjective and personal point of view after 2 years LLD playing and 1 month HLD playing: 1. It seems like GGG listen to immature players saying: I dont play pvp becuse I dont like it, dont waist human resources for pvp and remove it. Following that logic: - me and most players dont like Labirynth, it is too long and boring, geting 3/300 enchantments is to rng and stupid. I have run it only for ascendancy points and will not do it again. Dont waist human resources and remove Lab from game. -leveling Zana is to slow, i am 93 level and have Zana still level 7 (doing Zana rotas each day in game), her missions and maps are useless for me, remove Zana from game. - melee skills are weak, slow, and boring, remove melee from game. - most mid/ high level maps have bad layout, leave only Gorge/Plateau/Springs map, dont waist human resources for creating bad maps. 2. PVP is unbalnced beacause PVE is unbalanced. Fix PVE broken skills and dissable cwdt's and cws in PVP, and PVP will be very fine. I am plying each day map rotas, t10-13 currentlly, what kind of build diversity we have in full party? BV discharge, spark, EA, LA, Bladefall, Ice Mine and ocassionaly 1 another skill. End of the list/ Each last temporary league were introduced op new skills, rly strong and even broken in comparison to other older skills. Now you are affraid to nerf/tune it down in the middle of league bc some1 will say: dont take the fun off. That way after 1 month of temp league we have miserable build diversity beacuse people want play only strong/op skills. 3. Map rotas. Pepople are looking only for Gorge/Plateau/ Springs rotas because they are good and fast layout maps, and easy bosses with chance to +2 map drop. Current state of maping is that you have created crazy fast moving whirling blade and 50% move speed boots + 10-20% move speed helmet builds. The same builds die/fail/stay away fighting tougher bosses. Now we have brainless fast clearing easy maps builds population. Not much fun in party for well rounded builds able to clear and kill tougher maps/bosses. Having easy (good layout) map and tough boss in there would be much more fun imo. Bad layout map and easy boss would bring more balance for rotas/ mapping. 4. Act3 Sarn Arena and 1v1 mod is FULL and FUN in Perandus each day with Leo daily missions! How come that almost each day someone is asking on pvp forum or in arena when will be next pvp-season? People are waiting for pvp-season. People play pvp and they have fun. In opposite players who cant read/understand what they are reading dont have fun in pvp. How come that each day some1 enters Sarn Arena when Leo daily is for 1v1 and ask for let me kill you.... and your are listeninig to such players/ 5. PVP is not for everyone. It is not for kids who cant loose and want "everything and now". PVP in POE requires patience, game mechanics knowleadge and some dedication. Many players want to beat another player after entering Sarn Arena or 1v1 mod for the first time... then they loose and say wtf, wtf, wtf... pvp is stupid, i dont like it and i dont play it, dont waist resources for pvp... etc etc. It is dissapointing to see that someone is listening to such voices :( Sorry for my english. Talacura Dede |
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so...back to LoL, who's with me? XD
IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry
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wow that was a really ridiculously bad troll attempt
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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" You got to understand Alea, When I seen him in sarn before ascendancy he was running like headless chicken with his ranged getting ripped apart every dam time.I can t remember if it was EA or PA but he had really shit build.MAybe I seen him using caster too once or two. Now he can 1 shot people without effort in build so he is happy. Well, maybe it was someone else called Alea in sarn and I mistake. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 11, 2016, 12:32:27 PM
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" Yea So I guess you were really the shitty ranged running away from my cyclone hahaha. pew pew ... HO no too stronk need to run. Sorry but I just had a disvavor and a regular kaom. Guess theory crafting is useful and please stop with everyone have mirror only noobs think that. At least rupenus know how to Pvp ranged :P. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 11, 2016, 12:43:59 PM
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