[EXCEL] Knowledge is Power (SC Temp Leagues) Not Actively Recruiting

Last edited by mydixiewreckedbelowme#6343 on Dec 20, 2019, 12:24:23 AM
^ Invite sent.
IGN: Ryleonis

Can i join your guild?
ıgn tomaank
Have you completed at least 2 of the following?:
-Played for 1 year or more
-Reached level 90+ with at least two characters
-Completed at least 36/40 challenges in a previous or current league

All three. I started in Torment/Tempest. I have ten level 90 characters. I have done 36 in several leagues, I believe including Abyss, Incursion and Legion.

Generally how active are you in PoE? ()

I play 4-5 times a week, usually.

What is the in game name of your current main?

Cumsplatterer. I have to log in to leave my old inactive guild but I eagerly await an invite later today
-Played for 1 year or more- started in 2013
-Reached level 90+ with at least two characters- have around 10-12 at 90+
-Completed at least 36/40 challenges in a previous or current league
harbinger and delve

Generally how active are you in PoE? (It's expected that many people will have other priorities/play other games and activity will fall off towards the end of a league but we're looking for players who typically play a lot during the earlier parts of leagues at least.)

very active. currently lvl 95 in MSC

What is the in game name of your current main?

Have you completed at least 2 of the following?:
-Played for 1 year or more - Played since closed beta (8-9 years)
-Reached level 90+ with at least two characters - Yes
-Completed at least 36/40 challenges in a previous or current league - Probably not, but I don't generally target challenges

Generally how active are you in PoE? It really depends on the league, and how burnt out on games I am. Typically, around 25-50hrs a week. Cutting back slightly towards the end of the league. I work full time, so most of my play time is at weekends.

What is the in game name of your current main?

I'm playing on NA East realm and been looking for a NA guild. I play a lot during league start even though I just started playing again 3.9 Metamorph. Still need a lot to learn but I have achieved my first lvl 90 above character this league.

It'd be nice if I can join an active guild. In game name: jiahaha
Have you completed at least 2 of the following?:
-Played for 1 year or more - Yes
-Reached level 90+ with at least two characters - Yes
-Completed at least 36/40 challenges in a previous or current league - Yes in 3 leagues

Generally how active are you in PoE? - 3-4h/day

What is the in game name of your current main?
IGN: Kaguki_Wana_Fly
my name is Kaguki. feels free to add me
I am applying to Knowledge is Power, My name is Jacob, I speak Engliash as a first language and have been playing path since Blight.

Hello me and my uncle are looking to join this guild, we are trying to find a guild that takes the guild bank semi-seriously and want to help players who have a hard time starting temp leagues. I have read the official forum and couldn't find a place to send in applications besides this discord? What should we do.

My uncle has made 2 charactors lvl 90+ and 1 85+, I have only made x2 80+ but, I go to school full time for engineering. But since corona I have time to grind.

I just joined the recruit discord.

Have you completed at least 2 of the following?:
-Played for 1 year or more - No
-Reached level 90+ with at least two characters - No
-Completed at least 36/40 challenges in a previous or current league -No

Generally how active are you in PoE? (It's expected that many people will have other priorities/play other games and activity will fall off towards the end of a league but we're looking for players who typically play a lot during the earlier parts of leagues at least.)
I am very active in poe I go pretty hard at the start of season which is my favourite part of the season and I want a place to let other reuse my gear after I level out of it during the season climb.

What is the in game name of your current main? - BBCEthnicCleansing
Last edited by Jearce#0939 on Mar 27, 2020, 3:14:19 AM
Have you completed at least 2 of the following?:
-Played for 1 year or more - yes, on and off for ~5 years. Currently been playing for 2 years straight
-Reached level 90+ with at least two characters - yes
-Completed at least 36/40 challenges in a previous or current league - no but looking to reach my first 36 this league

Generally how active are you in PoE? (It's expected that many people will have other priorities/play other games and activity will fall off towards the end of a league but we're looking for players who typically play a lot during the earlier parts of leagues at least.) - usually play 5 days a week 2-4 hours per day

What is the in game name of your current main? - Nidaros_Deli_Spectre

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