[2.3] Ele / Sly Sparker ( Low Life as IIR/IIQ version )

After i played the Vaal Spark with Mf gear and loved how the spell works with all the mechanics. I tried to swap to Selfcast Spark and improved the skilltree and the gear for my personal playstyle and here is the result.

Everyone likes Video's right?



As a MF'er you want as much loot as possible for each map. You got a few options to raise your droprate:

- Get Zana to lvl 7 ( or better 8 ) so you get 7-8 IIQ for FREE

- For T9/10 chisel + alch -> go
- For T11+ chisel + alch + chaos --> atleast one packsize

- For T12+ Maps :
- You can use sacrifice piece(s) to increase your iiq by 5 %
- You can use Mortal fragmen(s) to increase your iiq by 10 %

Map Mods which you must avoid:
- Ele Reflect

All other Mods are possible, but a few are annyoing like BM / TC / 90% Light Res / - Max Res

What's better more iiq or more iir ? How much iiq/iir should i get

- the short answer: iiq>iir on all possible armor pieces

- 100 iiq / 300 iir is a solid base, where you still got enough room for dps stats :)

if u wanna learn more i would recommand this topic https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/725812/page/1

For League ( with Perf Gear you can get 82 IIQ / 360 IIR )


- 2x Ventor's Gamble 10 IIQ / 55 IIR
- Perandus Blazon 8 IIQ
- Sadima's Touch 16 IIQ
- Goldwyrm 20 IIQ
- Divination Distillate 18 IIQ / 60 IIR
- Rare helm 50 IIR
- Rare Amu 70 IIR
- Item Rarity Support Gem 70 IIR
- Shild / Weap / Armor 0 IIR/IIQ, atleast with this Build :/



For the Helm we want:
- High Rarity ( For Standart High iir/iiq )
- High Es
- High Res
- Nice Adds would be Int

for the enchantment:

additional Spark Projectiles ( Top Tier )
increased Spark Projectile Speed ( Mid Tier )

Because we go low life, we need a Shavronne's Wrappings and nothing else

For these slots you get 2 options, ( for most cases iiq > iir )

Because we use Whirling Blades, we are looking for a Dagger with:

- Spell Dmg
- Crit Chance for Spells
- Flat Dmg for Lighting Spells
- Crit Multi
- Nice adds ( +1 Gems ( we use Wrath ) / Attack Speed / Mana )

For the Shield:

- Crit Chance for Spells
- Spell Dmg
- Res

A good Ventor's is always a good choice, otherwise

- High IIR ( iiq for standart )
- Es / % Es
- Res
- Nice Adds ( Cast Speed / Int / Mana Reg )

Flask Setup


Good replacement

Skill Tree / Ascendancy class / Bandit


Bandit: Skill Point / Skill Point / Kraityn

We play as a Scion ^^

- Slyer is a must Have for Culling + Leech
- 2nd Class is either: Elementalist / PathFinder / DeadEye
- Uber Lab Pts grab the 2 skill pts after each class ( as witch you could grad witch start, maybe you can safe a few pts )

Lvl 20
Lvl 40
Lvl 60
Lvl 80
Lvl 97 Skill Tree (High Dmg)
Lvl 97 Skill Tree (High Def 270% Es with Energy From Within)


you got so many valuable stats so just craft one with 3 stats and u are fine
or buy a 4 stat jewel for 3-5 ex ( i dont recommand to craft a 4 stat jewel )

For the lazy Guys, all useful Stats

- Spell Dmg/ cast speed with a Shield
- Cast Speed
- Elemental Dmg
- Spell Dmg
- Lighting Dmg
- % Dmg
- Crit
- Crit Spells
- Crit Multi
- % Es
- Projectile Dmg / Speed

- Intuitive Leap / ( around Shadow for frenzy /power / %es + @ res)

Gem Setup


4l: Spark + Spell Echo + Faster Proj + Pierce
5l: Spark + Spell Echo + Faster Proj + Pierce + IIR
6l: Spark + Spell Echo + Faster Proj + Pierce + IIR + IIQ ( or Empower / Inc Duration / Faster Casting / Life Leech / Light Penetraion, every Gem got his own Pro and Conc

Wb + Faster Attack + Fortify
Lighting Warp + Less Duration ( + Rapid Decay + Faster Cast )

Cast on Dmg Taken + IC + Enfeeble ( + Inc Duration )

Purity of Lighting + Discipline + Enlighten + Herald of Thunder or Clarity ( in boots for +1 Gems )
Blood Magic + Wrath
Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline + Inc Duration

Portal / Light Golem

Current Gear/Stats ( standart, with legacy Gear)


147 fire / 135 cold / 144 light ( best would be 169 res for ElementalWeakness )
8,5k Es
300 unreserved Mana

132 iiq / 351 iir + Culling Strike :)

25k ( town )
45k ( aura ) <-- In Hideout
81k ( aura + 5 Power + 6 Frenzy)
89k ( aura + 5 Power + 6 Frenzy + Silver Flask ) <-- the other 30 %
106k ( aura + 5 Power + 6 Frenzy + Silver Flask + Vaal Haste) <-- can keep it up like 70% of the time

My Tree Focus Around Def

It's my First Guide in English, so sorry for every spelling error ^^

14.4 Updated Tree / Bandit / Mapping
28.4 Updated Tree / Gear
11.6 Updated Tree for 2.3
21.6 Added Video Section
03.8 Changed my Tree Focus around Def and HoT to Clarity --> Overall gained 2k Es / Easier Mana Sustain lost around 30k dps

30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162

Last edited by KillerKrug#1803 on Aug 8, 2016, 10:40:34 AM
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2016, 4:47:06 AM
hey im planning on running your build but one with a little change and i would like to hear if you think it could work.

instead of the dagger and shield im going to use a (5l 6s) pledge i have, since it already have spell echo my 5l combo would be spark - item rarity - faster projectiles - faster casting - pierce.

for my movement i would use lightning warp - faster casting - less duration.

i just need to figure out what i can use the extra 5l i have (shavronnes wrapping 5l 6s).


@Css141 i would run a Vaal Spark Setup, its still a HUGE Dmg Bonus for Bossfights
Vaal Spark - Pierce - Spell Echo - Faster Proj - IIR ( Portal for 6s ^^ )

But i dont think you should go Low Life your Es pool would suffer alot, without my Shield i only got ~4k es, yours is probably even lower ( around 3k-3,5k )

so you got 2 options

- either go Vaal Regalia for Es boost and run the setup above ( Still no Low Life, but decent ehp )
- drop the Pledge and use a shield+Dagger ( go Low Life )

30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162

Last edited by KillerKrug#1803 on Apr 2, 2016, 6:03:30 AM
okay thanks for that, ill be running with the dagger, shield combo that you are using :) did not think about the loss of ES :P

np just ask when u got more question about the Build ;)

30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162

It's maybe stupid question, but...
If we take Vaal Pact we need use life leech gem for leeching ES (we take Ghost Reaver). But i saw in streams situation when man havent life leech gem in link with main skill and didnt use Vessel of Vinktar, and havent jewels or item's with life leech, but still have life leech or maybe it smtng other?
And if we didnt take Condult and then Overcharged how we can generated power charge or freenzy?
(sry for bad eng)

They are no "stupid" question, every question shows interest, which is great :P

We dont have to take LL, its just helps alot vs reflect. We get Life Leech with the Acc tree "Berserker" which grants 1,5% Life Leech, which is enough in most cases ( when u run a Topaz Flask )

"And if we didnt take Condult and then Overcharged how we can generated power charge or freenzy?"
Yeah You get 3 choices:
- you simply dont get it, and take the lighting nodes ( above the witch area ) instead of Frenzy/power charges, in my case i had 70k dps wihtout charges but used lighting nodes

- You use the Amulet "Victario's Acuity" ~6-10 ex in standart, which is BIS for your Damage, but u will loose iir / es ^^ ( and i simply dont need more Damage i am fine with Running T13-14 Maps )

( - You run HoT or HoI ( when u got a Brotherhood ) and use Dual Curse with both Marks, or simply go Curse On Hit + Herald + Assa Mark ( Frenzy is not 100% need it ), but i think you will sacrifice either Dmg or Def with such a setup ) <-- worst option

Overall i prefer more iir, defence on amu, and just use 4 nodes to get all 3 charges, which Boost def and Off
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162

Last edited by KillerKrug#1803 on Apr 11, 2016, 8:10:22 AM
changed my passive tree on the right side, for more defensive and gem change
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162

How do you keep Divination Distillate up all the time?
@Myraklus To be honest i dont use it at all anymore, its not worth it imo.
With my Last build ( vaal spark 2.1) WB+Fortify+Faster Attack+ BM ( lvl 1 no qualitiy ) and i had it up like 50-70% of the time, but you need simply more unreserved life.

- in most cases i would recommand drop an aura ( when the boss is around 0-20% hp )and pop your flask and kill the boss, well Boss kill most important right ^^ ?

- Never used that setup myself, but you can use 2 Flasks in a combo

Blood of the Karui -> Divination Distillate and its up for ~3 sec
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162

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