[3.4] The Mistress of Agony - Lowlife BlightDrain Ascendant / Occultist - ALL content viable!

31k, it takes me over 1 min....

and btw ED needs so much mana lol :D
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Last edited by Infarkt on Aug 12, 2017, 9:04:41 AM
ED's mana cost is high because you don't need to spam it. You have to cast it (on a boss or any single target fight) once every 7 seconds.

Remember we have some methods to increase our mana regen substantially.

- Using a movement skill increases mana regen.
- Killing mobs while mapping increases mana regen.
- Clarity aura increases mana regen.
- Arcane surge buff increases mana regen.

I have 160 unreserved mana and I never run into mana issues.

Keep up the arcane surge buff at all times, stay safe (= ranged), use Wither totem on the boss, activate SotD flask when Vaal Lightning Trap is actually debuffing the boss (throw the trap under Voll after he charges) and you should be fine. Your damage is about four times lower than mine, so expect the boss to last at least 35-40 seconds with your current DPS (if there are no extra life rolls on the map or the chaos resistance mod).

My ED DoT tooltip at the moment is 112.9k with Arcane Surge and flasks up.
Last edited by djnat on Aug 12, 2017, 9:28:50 AM
ty, will try better :)

good guidance m8
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
I did some better testing with the Allelopathy gloves.

Some random thoughts about 'em:

- The optimal way to use those gloves would be removing the Wither totem + Vaal LT setup and replace it with a Blight totem + 3 useful Blight supports (Swift Affliction, Controlled Destruction and Efficacy), and after you equip the gloves you should also replace 2 rare jewels with 2 Spreading Rot threshold jewels (one in the Witch slot, the other in the Scion spell damage slot).

- In optimal fight conditions (static boss, always max blight stacks on target, blight hinder debuff always on target, totem survives) the maximum DPS gain using the Allelopathy setup is around 37% when compared to the Wither setup. Which is very good for some fights like Minotaur, Atziri or Shaper himself (adds phase should be even easier with the Blight totem), and pretty bad at mobile bosses like Core Malachai, Hydra, Colosseum Daresso, Abyss Kaom, Vaal Temple Trio, Chimera, Uber Trio or double Vaal (you can't target both oversouls with only one blight totem, sadly, while you can dot both with ED).

- That situational damage gain comes to a pretty noticeable survivability cost. Using Allelopathy + 2x Spreading Rot treshold jewels accounts for a ~1200 ES loss with good / optimal gear and makes the resistance overcapping harder since the unique gloves have no resistances. A 1200 ES loss means you become a lot more susceptible to weird one-shot mechanics.

- Blight totem damage has a slightly slower ramp-up when compared to the Wither totem stacks. You reach full Wither stacks in ~3.7 seconds, while to reach full Blight stacks you need ~4.1 seconds.

In the end, when you reach endgame gear, it's a matter of personal preference. If you don't feel too much of a glass cannon when your ES drops by about 11-12%, go for the Allelopathy setup which can be advantageous in some endgame fights. Otherwise, stay with the classic Wither totem / Vaal LT setup, which is a pretty solid all-rounder.
Last edited by djnat on Aug 12, 2017, 3:03:52 PM
djnat wrote:
@WaveOfShadow: you can use the Haste + Blood Magic + Clarity setup when you have all the aura / mana reservation nodes in the passive tree, and when your Blood Magic gem is high level (18+). You have to adjust Clarity level accordingly.

For example, with my current gear, and level 20 Blood Magic, I have to use a level 11 Clarity aura, which is more than enough, coupled with the mana regen and the trickster sub-ascendancy, to have a comfortable mana regeneration while doing everything in the game.

The transition point to go low life is when you have a decent ES pool (with Discipline active) to survive the content you are facing.

@Infarkt: after reading your post, I went to a Wasteland map and tried Voll. He died in less than 10 seconds, I just stayed ranged and deleted him without any issue. What's your damage tooltip on ED's dot component?

It's funny, mana regen is what I have the least issue with. I just pop a flask when I'm down and I'm good to go. Mana regen seems like it would be the least of my priorities, under ES (and ES regen) and making sure I'm able to survive stuff lol.

Can you explain to me a little how the low life thing is supposed to work? Like...how much of your life do you have reserved with all of those passives? I have all the relevant passives in the skill tree and Blood Magic at level 11 or 12 and I'm nowhere close to bringing it down to a reasonable level. And what does adjusting Clarity do?

(Sorry again if these are dumb questions I'm just having a bit of trouble understanding the last bit of this build. Maybe some of it is item-based because I don't have any of the items yet at all?)
To be low life and make use of Pain Attunement, your life has to be at 35% or lower. So you have to reserve at least 65% of your life pool to match the lowlife condition.

Increasing Clarity level increases the mana (life when linked to Blood Magic) reserved by the aura. It's the only aura in the game which has a variable mana reservation with level, all the other auras have a fixed percentage at all levels.

You need Shavronne's Wrappings (expensive and better) or Solaris Lorica (cheap but no ES) when you go low life, otherwise you are going to getting killed easily by literally every fart which chaos damage based monsters throw at you.
So currently what percentage of life are you reserving?
Because on its own Blood Magic + Haste reserves 99% and that doesn't seem to be decreasing. Is it really that drastically different once I get Blood Magic up a few levels?
WaveofShadow wrote:
So currently what percentage of life are you reserving?
Because on its own Blood Magic + Haste reserves 99% and that doesn't seem to be decreasing. Is it really that drastically different once I get Blood Magic up a few levels?

The difference is very noticeable as you level Blood Magic Support.

Take a look at this site to check when and how much you can level up clarity, it's very handy.

I think I'm still not following.
Using the site, and not even bothering with Clarity, I boosted Blood Magic support to lvl 20 and put Haste on and it eats up all my health. At what point does Blood Magic and Haste, NOT CLARITY, not eat up all my health?
WaveofShadow wrote:
So currently what percentage of life are you reserving?
Because on its own Blood Magic + Haste reserves 99% and that doesn't seem to be decreasing. Is it really that drastically different once I get Blood Magic up a few levels?

I am currently reserving 99% of my life.

You have to take into account ALL the passives which reduce the mana reservation.

We have 20% reduced mana reserved from the passive tree (Charisma, Leadership and Influence clusters).

This is my current situation on my character: ---> click <---

I am running a lvl 11 Clarity aura, a lvl 20 Haste aura and a lvl 20 Blood Magic gem.

And as you can see, the mikelat simulator is very accurate. This is a screenshot of my character after a Chimera kill.
Last edited by djnat on Aug 13, 2017, 2:20:05 AM

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