StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter

Jhssutrx wrote:
Maybe very dummy question:

Does exist a color or specific size or border which means "this item is unidentified yet and worth to identify right now (before picking up)"?

In general, do exist a "legend"? Which color means what. For example, which items "must pick up", which items "do not pick up, unless X".

Does have the player do a thorough evaluation of shown items on the battlefield?
(My current homegrown filter does only a one-bit distinction: pick it up or not. Player does not have to think on the battleground.)

Brighter the color = more important. Solid backgrounds over not-solid over no backgrounds.

The system is meant to be intuitive and everything should be instantly recognizable by color alone. Sounds like you just need to play with it more.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Hey everyone,

any chance someone created a version for the endless delve event?
I like this filter alot, but sadly dont have time to configure it to the event myself.
Cassla wrote:
Hey everyone,

any chance someone created a version for the endless delve event?
I like this filter alot, but sadly dont have time to configure it to the event myself.

I didn't write specific filters for this but just adding a few blocks near the top of your filters such as

Class "Prophecy" "Divination Card" "Map Fragment" "Map"

BaseType "Splinter" "Chisel" "Horizon Orb" "Harbinger's Orb"

should cover just about all of it.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit on Dec 13, 2020, 5:24:01 AM
Are the pastebin links showing as private for anyone else?
private for me as well
it is private rn, for some reason...
Working! Thanks mate
Must have been something wonky on pastebin's end, I haven't touched the site at all since the last update which was months ago.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
I need some advice. What should I do next?

So far I've been relying on drops and never really used any recipes or did any runs in hopes of getting a specific drop.

I just put points in Splitting Strikes (lower left corner of the tree), so I guess I need to replace the Brass Maul with an axe to benefit from the extra damage.

What passives should be my priority?
I need some advice. What should I do next?

So far I've been relying on drops and never really used any recipes or did any runs in hopes of getting a specific drop.

I just put points in Splitting Strikes (lower left corner of the tree), so I guess I need to replace the Brass Maul with an axe to benefit from the extra damage.

What passives should be my priority?

Wrong thread, sorry.

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