StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter

Thank you! Good work!
Asday wrote:
Thanks for keeping it up to date even though you said you wouldn't.

Never said that, in fact I said precisely the opposite - I'd always update it for leaguestarts. What I said was that there would probably be no more huge updates (check 3.10.3 update notes for details).
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Asday wrote:
Thanks for keeping it up to date even though you said you wouldn't.

Never said that, in fact I said precisely the opposite - I'd always update it for leaguestarts. What I said was that there would probably be no more huge updates (check 3.10.3 update notes for details).
Right you are, reading is hard.
Last edited by Artophwar on Jun 19, 2020, 12:09:27 PM
Thank you!
Artophwar wrote:

Yeah I'll swap them in the first league update but given where seeds drop (from caches and in your garden only) it's not an issue warranting a fast update.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
UPDATE: apparently the "HarvestInfrastructure" shit is causing the filter to error out on the main site. I've removed the lines from the currently uploaded filters.

Fuck GGG for this. I have no way of knowing when they screw stuff up like this because I still don't have alpha. Now everyone has their filters set up with a line that may need to be deleted.

Currently uploaded filters have this block removed as of this post
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit on Jun 19, 2020, 3:02:34 PM
Need to update offline filter?
re3i wrote:
Need to update offline filter?

Just ctrl+f "Infrastructure" and delete that one block (at the end of section 3).
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
NOTICE: I fucked up, somehow "Rarity Unique" is missing from the league prediction block in section 8

need to add that or it'll get very spammy very fast
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:

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