How much money have you wasted/spent on PoE?
I just threw down $35.
So it begins... "I suppose you think that was terribly clever."
-Gandalf the Grey | |
Prob about $1500 or so. Can't remember and too lazy to check.
I don't think any of it is a waste of money. I mean, I have a budget for entertainment. So if I don't spend it here, I will spend it there, no different. It just happens that PoE catch my attention and I'm willing to give it a try. Not saying I'm done with it or regret my money but recent "change" make me think I'm about done w/ PoE, the dev is trying to kill builds after builds, nerf this nerf that. Less and less fun for me. | |
" Yeah they don't need money cause they make enough by creating games people love to buy and play and they don't need GGG's free-game-pay-2-win trap. BTW you know what direction do these nerf fans want the PoE to go? They want PoE more like D3 (e.g. make mapping harder etc.) as if PoE hasn't lifted enough ideas from Diablo series already. LOL. | |
1 - How much have you spent so far on the game?
Little over 500$ USD 2 - Do you think you've spent too much, too little or you're happy with what you've spent? Too little. I could probably take any 500$ worth of games on my steam account and the time played wouldn't be anywhere near the time I've put in PoE 3 - Will you buy some/more points at a later date? Ye boi. 4 - Was what you bought worth the cost? Yep. You make my ochinchin go doki doki.
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Donated into four digits.
At the time, it seemed the thing to do. Unlikely, barring a major turn back to the direction things were headed before ascendancy gating via frogger. Didn't 'buy' anything. I was a donator and would have continued donated with nothing in return other than a quality game. |
I don't regret what I spent.I regret that I bought extra character slots for Sacred 2(shame they didn't go full out MTX support like POE) because not long after they closed the servers but this is not the case with POE.Despite complaints I think POE is the most solid ARPG experience to date.
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Bond. James Bond.
140$ - that's the most I've ever spent on a game, but I don't regret it, PoE is the game I've played the most, so it was money well spent imo.
Dunno if I'll donate more, depends... "Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018 | |
" Forum accounts are free mate. You don't need to spend upwards of $12,5000 to lurk here, opining on every. single. topic. (ostentatiously, I might add). You must love the sound of your keyboard. | |
" Brother to Ancestral Bond? Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |