[Dii] Diabloii.net Guild

Invite sent!
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
OK I am IN ; )
Still have slots for Breach League!
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Poke me! Online this week working a BV build as StingingBlade. I am at the low end of AARP eligibility. ;-)
Would love an invite for Standard League! Will probably be joining in on Breach as well. Long time user of the website as well. :)
Last edited by HouseOfBalloons on Nov 22, 2016, 8:31:16 PM
Guild looks awesome! Can I also have an invite?
All invites sent!
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Slots available. Breach starts soon. Join us now
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Been playing solo for awhile. I'm looking to try a guild to further my understanding of this game. Old school D2 relic enjoying poe. Active most days for a couple hours (mainly early am, sometimes after 1, and occasionally evenings.)

Invite sent. A few more slots are available for Breach!
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!

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