THOR'S RAINBOWNUKE: off to the Marauder forum
does the global leech stack with the new zerker tree we can take? If not, would using iron will be viable to use until you can grab a pair of repentance gloves?
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" I'm not certain I understand your question entirely, but yes - the global 1.5% leech in the Ascendant Berserker node will stack with all your other leech. You can always slot Iron Will into your Mjolner if you really want to, it just tends to be less of a damage boost than Lightning Penetration if you already have a bunch of %increased spell damage elsewhere on the tree / gear. I'd just wait until you can acquire Repentance. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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Just realized that the Word of Spire Enchantment make you trigger discharge aswell. That shit is so fun.. you just run into a mob and boom..
Some things are so powerful that one glance burns them into your mind forever!
Come let us gaze on nothingness. |
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is it possible with 30% mjolner? |
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Just a quick post about a largely underrated skill added in 2.2 that actually has synergy with this build. That skill is Ancestral Protector Totem.
Whilst its damage is passable, it makes a fantastic addition to any build by adding a a 1-link wonder, a.k.a pseudo golem. Basically, with a level 20 gem, whilst standing near your Ancestral Protector Golem, you get a sweet 20% MORE ATTACK SPEED MULTIPLIER. That is an extremely nice boost to your dps, as more attack speed = more nukez. Compared to Flame Golem's 20% increased damage buff, the 20% more attack speed has a far greater impact on your actual DPS. Whilst you wont really need that extra dps for normal map clearing, plus you wont be close to your totem if you are constantly on the move, Ancestral Protector shines greatly for single target boss fights. That MORE attack speed really helps to shred tougher bosses faster. Additional, the Totem will occasionally draw aggro from the boss, hence saving you from certain attacks. As a strategy, try to place the totem on the opposite side of the boss (but still within range for you to benefit from that attack speed), so that the totem can draw the boss's attack in the opposite direction. However do note that the aggro chance for totems isnt very high, so it isnt a consistent defensive tool. 90% of the time, you will still have to dodge manually, as aggro is usually on you. Despite that, if you have a socket to spare (i dropped my largely useless increased duration gem in my IC setup), Ancestral Protector might prove beneficial to you. Last edited by iSo1iD#4681 on Mar 6, 2016, 10:18:14 AM
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" Yes! Uber Atziri or Core Malachai might be a good bit more difficult with new Mjolner but I don't imagine much else would change. 30% Mjolner is still going to do about 50% more damage compared to what the build did in 2.0 with a 50% Mjolner. In other words, the other buffs to the build (Ascendancy classes, Repentance gloves, Lightning Penetration) make it so that a 30% Mjolner now is still much stronger than legacy mjolner was a few months ago. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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Well I had some pretty insane luck... got this on my first helmet enchant attempt from Merc labyrinth
I can confirm that this is NOT a base damage increase (e.g. multiplicative) on Arc. It's additive... basically a 25% spell damage node that only applies to the damage from Arc. Average Arc damage went from 5424 to 5682, a 4.7% increase. So yeah, helmet enchants are not really worth farming. Also got to do some Trickster testing... it feels OK, not as good as I hoped. Slightly faster clear speed and ES but nothing else special. Definitely nowhere near the power level of Ascendant (I don't expect anything to be) The problem with Trickster is that free Leap Slam doesn't do anything to help you collect loot faster, and I didn't realize until now how much time I spend just picking up items while mapping. Leap Slam is also a mechanically clunky skill to use... Not really impressed with Ancestral Protector so far... it's pretty clunky to actually use, and I think I'm likely to stick with good ol' Vaal Discipline myself. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Mar 7, 2016, 12:26:01 AM
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With Ascendant, maps with both -Max and Ele Reflect are doable. Mid Tier with no problems, High Tier would require some care with flask use (since the rolls are more dangerous) but still shouldn't be too much of a problem. Video added to OP as soon as youtube is done processing.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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Yes, Leap Slam is very clunky, but that said...with GGG's announcement, I may wait just a bit to see when they implement the Labyrinth changes so I only have to run it once instead of three times. I do want to test out the Occultist class, and I know Iso already did, but wanted to see it for myself and how it performs. THAT SAID, did get a PM from a user suggesting a change to my Duelist - Champion tree, so I may respec that a bit later and see how it works...usually don't like pathing through life nodes, but this might be worth it in the end given what I can get out of it, potentially even another jewel socket and other goodies.
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bumping this thread since some genius decided to necro the old one after we finally got it good and buried... *sigh*... the intelligence level of some people just amazes me
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Mar 7, 2016, 1:49:06 PM
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