POE Races = pure pay2win, has nothing to do with fun . PLS fix it

Read this twice, once with beer goggles and once without - both times lmao hard.

Most of the top racers already stream, watch some of their vods and "maybe" you'll learn a thing or two about racing. SSD helps with loading times for sure, but you should buy a SSD regardless if you play POE or not, the performance boost is GG.

As for cheaters, I believe they were eradicated couple of seasons ago.
You're crazy... Get with the times and purchase a $60 SSD and you'll be fine. Single most important upgrade you can do for PoE.
IGN Ken__Kaniff
The trick to racing is to race against yourself, not other people. :D Much more fun that way for me. I am probably the worst racer ever, but I am up to 45 points so far and maybe I can make 100. If I don't make 100 this season, then it is what ill be racing for next season :D

Having fun while racing is all about attitude.
8/10 for effort and laughs
You made a typo on play2win.
I've never been so let down opening a thread with hilbert's name as last reply
alt art shop view-thread/1195695
t.me/jstqw for contact
Last edited by jstq#1440 on Feb 3, 2016, 3:13:38 AM
Hilbert wrote:
You made a typo on play2win.

So Hilbert, what's your thoughts on noportal party race?
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Shitty rewards check
Shrines still in races checl
Boring 1 mod race modes check

Not bother checking this season once again check.

The only thing I had hope for were alt start races but the balance devs have shown once again that they don't know what to do.
Scion forced on Caster Path, no cleave and so on.

They bothered more players not muling flasks than anything else it seems.
i play on a decent pc with ok latency and i made 71st yesterday, i craft standing still, my tree is not well planned i waste alot of time, and i still made 71st! so im aiming for top 50 in tonights descent. get educated on the strategies. dont play like a bitch( the goal is to be the fastest which takes some risk) play a build and class you know well and repeat. and if someone has a beast pc and it makes a 10 sec difference then kudos to them it has nothing to do with ggg they dont receive anything from it, so your pay2win is bogus BOGUS, now shut up and race.

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