[28] Geofri's Baptism: Increase req lvl by 2

Ceykey wrote:
Yeah volls or geofri's is the reason why i gave up on lvl 28 pvp even with ungils u cant beat it.

Its an annoying build but you can absolutely beat it..., why do I have to repeat myself so often about this? o.O
Apokalyxio wrote:
Ceykey wrote:
Yeah volls or geofri's is the reason why i gave up on lvl 28 pvp even with ungils u cant beat it.

Its an annoying build but you can absolutely beat it..., why do I have to repeat myself so often about this? o.O

Apokalyxio wrote:
Ceykey wrote:
Yeah volls or geofri's is the reason why i gave up on lvl 28 pvp even with ungils u cant beat it.

Its an annoying build but you can absolutely beat it..., why do I have to repeat myself so often about this? o.O

Don't be offended by this but: You play softcore. To me your opinion does not really matter.

Also, the point is not that its impossible to counter. The point is that in order to be succesful in pvp, you must have a very specific flicker-counter, so all other builds will automaticly fail. PoE is about having different builds. Other than my lv28 pvper, very few builds are good without using flicker.

Ceykey wrote:
Yeah volls or geofri's is the reason why i gave up on lvl 28 pvp even with ungils u cant beat it. Btw i would love to challange some of u guys at open world pvp so far GodofPvp arc trapper(leads 4-2 or something) is the only one who managed to kill my lvl 78 mara Ckan at eu softcore. I believe i pvped 50 or more different ppl so far.

Come to hardcore bro!
IGN: @GreenDude
According to this thread softcore is the hardest league for lvl 28 pvp, so in that sense its your opinion that doesn't matter, not his.
softcore offer you more ppl than hardcore
and that all
Yay another softcore/hardcore battle. o/

Back to the topic, Geoffri is fine, its the exploit using multiple flicker gems that makes it OP ; should be fixed soon. Also increasing the level by 2 is irrelevant since level 28 pvp is about to be moved to act3 and have its max level raised.
Hexaste, its not exploit, you just need to find ways to deal with it - you just want easy wins, thats all. Counteract it somehow, dont complain. Sorry for my bad english (this was kierz).

LoL, cheers. Happy that someone else thinks multiple flickers is OP atm.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
uh? I fail to see your point, I have no problem at ALL vs flicker geoffris...

EDIT : I'm already having easy wins and think my build should be nerfed.

That doesnt change the fact that using multiple flicker gems is an exploit that should be fixed.

Last edited by Hexaste#4667 on Feb 25, 2013, 10:38:23 AM
Lets keep this going guys, but I think posted in tons of threads of how many builds can totally dominate a Geoffris Flicker striker - viper strike, full tank (now viper strike is the most goddamn OP skill in pvp not flicker + geoffris), dual wield ungils block character (you don't even need Wakes at all to make this successful), double curse mixed build, tank facebreaker regen, etc. and there are other possible builds that beat them all(although good viper strikers are very hard to beat).

Seriously if you guys complain about Geoffris flicker when you don't have: a few granites for use, and insta recov on low hp flasks, preemptively curse them, or have a fair about of base armour + high hp/amount of hp nodes (and no, the starting maruader HP route tree doesnt classify as high hp/armount of hp nodes) - then stop, cause viper or hexmaster is way harder to deal with.

Just, OP if people like you stopped getting cocky "I've never lost to anybody cept Geoffris users" just cause a good 8/10 people a serious pvper faces are complete and utter noobs who just use gear they found while leveling - that doesn't mean your build was unbeatable and the build that beats you is OP.

And yes, we get it you're on HC and uniques like Geoffris more uncommon than in softcore - but that really doesn't mean jack lol. In fact the reason why softcore pvpers in the low level pvp bracket have tons of builds that beat Geoffri's users is cause Geoffri is so common place and most serious pvpers have alot of experience vs those. Also, if you're saying the amount of good twink gear in HC is alot less and high stat items like a Geoffris makes more of an impact where the quality of gear is lower, then simply use viper strike with a decent attack speed 1h optimally with a +1 to melee skill gem, thats not that hard to find and is really strong and with chaos damage you don't need to skill damage and just build tanky so it's alot less gear reliant.

BOOM, now shut up and create some cool build like CI to counter vipers but still die to dpsers, ok?
I don't realy believe that there is a lack of good items in HC. Forums are full with cheap good items. And for pvpers, I don't see any reason to play HC cause there are by far less pvpers there.
To consider softcore pvpers to be worthless of giving opinion is immature and impolite, showing the disease that came from D2 - I only play HC, SC is for noobs. HC challange only applies to pvm cause it's almost as easy to get good gear in HC forums as it is in SC for pvp.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard

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