Winterheart, Event 5: 1 Hour Headhunter Solo

To see your points in the current season (and its prizes), go to this page.

You are also able to view your season and events history on your profile page, under the Seasons & Events section.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

Dead characters will still receive reward points.

Active Mods
The following league mods are active during this event:
  • Headhunter: When you kill a rare monster, you gain all its mods for 20 seconds. Every monster pack has a rare monster (even the Twilight Strand). This race type is voided.

Top Prizes:

The overall top player by experience will receive 3 Reward Points.

The top 20 players of each class by experience will receive:
  • #1 player of each class: Demigod's Dominance (Unique Golden Mantle) and 10 Reward Points.
  • #2 player of each class: 6 Reward Points.
  • #3 player of each class: 5 Reward Points.
  • #4 player of each class: 4 Reward Points.
  • #5 player of each class: 3 Reward Points.
  • #6-10 player of each class: 2 Reward Points.
  • #11-20 player of each class: 1 Reward Point.

Prizes for reaching specific levels:
  • Level 22: 10 Reward Points.
  • Level 19-21: 8 Reward Points.
  • Level 16-18: 7 Reward Points.
  • Level 12-15: 6 Reward Points.
  • Level 9-11: 4 Reward Points.
  • Level 6-8: 2 Reward Points.
  • Level 4-5: 1 Reward Point.

Quest Prizes:
The first player to complete each of these quests wins the prize listed.
  • Normal difficulty Mercy Mission (The Tidal Island): 2 Reward Point.
  • Normal difficulty The Dweller of the Deep (The Flooded Depths): 2 Reward Point.
  • Normal difficulty The Caged Brute (The Upper Prison): 2 Reward Point.
  • Normal difficulty The Marooned Mariner (The Ship Graveyard): 2 Reward Point.

Full-clear Prizes:
The first player to kill all of the monsters in any of the following areas will receive:
  • Normal difficulty The Fetid Pool: 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Den: 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Dread Thicket: 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Catacombs: 2 Reward Points.

Random Prizes:
Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
  • Alternate Art Asphyxia's Wrath Unique Item (50 available to be won)
Gameplay & Level Design
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What does "This race type is voided" mean?
Last edited by Nick1wasd#5546 on Jan 27, 2016, 12:51:20 PM
Nick1wasd wrote:
What does "This race type is voided" mean?

It means the characters go to void at the conclusion of the event. You can't play these characters or access their inventory in game anymore. Characters in the void can be deleted or kept as a sort of trophy (you can still post their items to the forum).
They often make them void when the drop-rates are too good (in this case the character becomes too good) in comparison to the normal game.
Race was going pretty good till there was a power outage :(
Lags and disconnection and the very beginning. I was too frustrated after that to play after this calmly. I kept dying a lot. I think this race was pretty hard, due to lot of yellow mobs and their curse mods. Couldn't get past Mud Flats, restarted and died when some corpses exploded, restarted and died at Brutus, giving up finally. Horrible race that was. I hope they will buy better servers in the future. Too may dc and desynchro in this game, but I guess it's what you can expect from f2p game.
Love the concept, when it worked it was awesome but when it didn't work it was frustrating.

Tried Duelist and that was the biggest mistake ever! Hey rare guys, come up and smack me in the face till I'm dead!

Trapper started well but needed some assistance for killing due to that stupid 3 traps restriction.

Lastly went with Ranger and that was going really well, till I got boxed in at a tunnel by a group of crabs that then spawned a rare Immortal aura crab. No way to kill the rare, no way to escape and at that level, no move skill gem to get out of trouble. Very disappointing :(

Initially my ranger was kicking ass thanks to an awesome drop before Hillock:

Just brilliant in this type of race at a very early level. Shame I died to cheap mechanics :(
Last edited by Aldora_the_Summoner#4021 on Jan 29, 2016, 4:53:43 AM
It seemed that killed a volatile rare did not grant you any mods. (Live almost everyday from 15.00 +1 GMT)
follow @nugiyen on twitter
Died early on to a volatile... something... Restarted and did pretty well. Got a coupla nice drops, too:

=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Hard race, in the beginning, but sooo much fun.
The Narra-Tor

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