[•TDP•][3.25] The Duckling Paradise | Recruiting for Settlers League


I am EU player form Poland, would like to join guild. I started playing PoE just before the end of close beta. Was playing HC temp leagues at the start but for last 4-5 leagues i stick with SC temp leagues (do NOT play standard, i play hc races from time to time). Got lvl 100 in Harby, have many 95+ chars. Profile open ofc to verify.
Last edited by Icho#6463 on Dec 6, 2018, 11:37:26 AM
Icho wrote:

I am EU player form Poland, would like to join guild. I started playing PoE just before the end of close beta. Was playing HC temp leagues at the start but for last 4-5 leagues i stick with SC temp leagues (do NOT play standard, i play hc races from time to time). Got lvl 100 in Harby, have many 95+ chars. Profile open ofc to verify.

Sent you invite in game :)
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Hey I'd like to join, SC player from Europe.

I've got a 92 from Incursion and a 90 from harbinger, I like to take a league break so I'm ready to come back and grind hard in Betrayal. Looking to go even further this league and having the guild chat to share and trade with sounds awesome!
Daimei wrote:
Hey I'd like to join, SC player from Europe.

I've got a 92 from Incursion and a 90 from harbinger, I like to take a league break so I'm ready to come back and grind hard in Betrayal. Looking to go even further this league and having the guild chat to share and trade with sounds awesome!

sen u invite ingmae
Last edited by gorakil#5841 on Dec 7, 2018, 1:31:22 AM
IGN: HarroHarbinger
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Account Name: Nekrothique
Character Name:
Highest Level: 90
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 2014 maybe earlier..
Country/Time Zone: EU
Average Hours Played Per Week: mostly on the weekends 6-8 ,mostly on evenings
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): Chalenge leagues

I'd like to join, It's exactly what I'm looking for a guild. Mainly chat, share tips etc I usually play alone, but I can help for a carry uber lab etc Playing almost every league for 1-2 months, sometimes i don't play league or join the league near the end just to do the achievement/free mtx. I'm from EU-France

I have many 90+, playing since ... I can't remember, I started when dropping a multistrike gem was selling for 5-6c

Account name : luvahiz

thanks !
IGN: HarroHarbinger

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