Content Update 2.1.0 Patch Notes

I think GGG is trying to get me into trouble by motivating me more to do that RF build I was thinking. Increased aoe+ new support gem to buff DoT. I think RF will become popular again.
For me it seems like poison arrow, with new tree, one shot map bosses.

Incenerate nerf realy too much. But it is a main skill for Atziri farm. I think this is true reason so much nerf.

I waiting reave buff but... Yesterday i test reave on my Duelist 55 lvl: cyclone with no links damage more than reave 4-link. But GGG nerf cyclone instead buff reave, cleave (buff area 1% is rediculous), etc.
KharkovPower wrote:
For me it seems like poison arrow, with new tree, one shot map bosses.

Incenerate nerf realy too much. But it is a main skill for Atziri farm. I think this is true reason so much nerf.

I waiting reave buff but... Yesterday i test reave on my Duelist 55 lvl: cyclone with no links damage more than reave 4-link. But GGG nerf cyclone instead buff reave, cleave (buff area 1% is rediculous), etc.

1% PER LEVEL. A free 19% increased aoe is very much a big deal.
Area of Effect skills have been reworked, with the net result being less area of effect available in the tree. As mentioned above, the damage of those skills has been raised.

So Cold Snap, Cleave, Arctic breath, Shock Nova, most Traps etc will get a buff not yet mentioned in the Patch Notes?

Tsk..Tsk.. Not cool. These skills are already underused, and are now unwillingly nerfed by the AOE changes in the tree.
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
Holy shit that aoe buff for Rf. No longer rf has to get all aoe nodes on tree to compensate for conc
LMTR14 wrote:
economy? what economy. I'm not interested in this stone-age trading system and neither are 50% of the playerbase which aren't no-life masochists.

there is no spoon, and no economy in this game either.

I agree. An auction-house like thing would be nice.. Especially for the casual players - but well, casual players are no business, right?
Overall great changes.
Chris wrote:
A short instance-wide cooldown has been added to many monster skills. Monsters with "bursty" skills have had this cooldown applied to reduce player deaths from fast, hard-to-predict damage. This includes skills such as Leap Slam, Flicker Strike, Shield Charge, Lightning Warp and Arctic Breath. Most of the affected skills are appropriate as initiation skills, but are not ideal when many monsters perform them simultaneously.

Chris wrote:
Vaal Fallen and Colossal Vaal Fallen monsters no longer always get critical strikes, but will now always inflict status ailments. The damage has been increased to compensate.

What is the difference then? They hit just as hard if you specced into "reduced extra damage from critical strikes" now?
Chris wrote:
Monsters that use the Summon Raging Spirit skill now have their own dedicated version so that it can be balanced separately. There have been various rebalances, but in general it has been made stronger at high levels.

I really hope being able to balance them separately means you've made it so that more stuff can hit monster SRS. Otherwise you can buff spark all you want damage wise - will still be a pain to play.
Chris wrote:
Frost Blades has been improved from 2 additional projectiles at all levels to 4 additional projectiles at level 1 and 7 additional projectiles at level 20. It has also been increased from +14 weapon range at all levels to +18 weapon range at level 1 and +21 weapon range at level 20. It now gains 1% projectile speed per level after the first (19% at Level 20) and its base projectile speed has been increased by 25%.

This is huge. It was actually already much better than what people gave it credit for.
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
Chris wrote:
I'm personally planning on playing the hell out of Talisman over the Christmas period!

Sounds like a plan :) Iam in!
Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
I enjoyed these changes very much.
Na_Krul wrote:
blackjack11 wrote:
Chris wrote:
Incinerate is no longer affected by Spell Echo, as was intended in 2.0.0. Incinerate now only adds 50% more damage for each stage, down from 100% more damage. Incinerate's damage has been increased by 15% at level 1 and reduced by approximately 8% at level 20

So a ~60% nerf on incinerate while other spells get 20% buff. How could that ever go wrong and make incinerate obsolete. Aren't you tired of overnerfing the meta skills and making them underplayed and plain horrible. I won't even bother listing all the skills that had the same faith, because anyone playing the game for years on a high level know its the simple truth. Since i am a fan of the game and company i refuse to think you are doing it out of stupidity and not learning from past mistakes. I suspect you are doing to shake up the meta on purpose. Riot games level of balancing. Just sad.

No joke, I am trying to wrap my head around the reasoning and I have got nothing.
It's cant be because of Controlled Destruction or w/e that support is.
Where else is Incinerate going to get 70% Cast speed, or even damage from?
It can't crit, and without using Controlled Destruction and RH + other stuff, it's almost 100% dead for end game.

I don't know... Try picking up some damage nodes in the tree instead of just getting defenses?

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