[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

hey there! i'm mostly a hardcore player but i'm still fairly new to the game. my highest level in breach was 76 before i ripped. right now just seeing what build i'm going to level first in the next league =) would love a chill guild to join so i can have some ppl to play with and talk to.

IGN: A_Wandering_Cow
Last edited by Rinzler17 on Feb 28, 2017, 3:16:58 PM
Hi. I mostly play challenge leauges and standard. I would love to join.
IGN: Vedir_SeizureGenerator
Hey Lighty, I would like to join your guild. I play almost exclusively on SC temp leagues :)
Last edited by Vedir on Mar 6, 2017, 8:51:34 PM
would it be possible for me to join the guild?
mostly play on sc temp leagues
IGN: Dimzap / Dimess
I'm interested in joining the guild. I Mostly play standard temp leagues. Won't be on much till Legacy but should be on mostly constant at that point.
IGN: Shreddder
I play standard and temp leagues. Looking for some people to play and hang with. Will be playing legacy league
handyman775 i play almost every day would love to join your guild
Sending Invites out & kicking inactive players all throughout the week, should get around to everybody
My IGN is BuckleQuake,i am a scrub who plays leagues here and there(mostly standard),i play pretty much every day and i'd like to join your clan.

Hi iam lvl 68 and playing every day on standard leaque and sometimes on hardcore :D
it would be nice if u inv me

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