[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hey! I wanna join.
IGN BlasterCannon2
Hi there! I wish to join!

IGN : Mercy_Exile

IGN: Archshoot

Hi, im playing Perandus sc right now, Would like to join for the social part and i like to help others if needed! i also play a bit on standard.

im active almost every day.

IGN: NiceGuySupport

I play HC. Currently in the process of leveling an aura support and thought that it's probably a good idea to start looking for people to support.

I play in PHC. i ripped my lvl87 aegis blocker recently, Currently leveling a Deadeye and I more likely will reach to lv80+ in these few days. Looking for active guild to have people to map with.

Doing some guild page updates and maintenance
IGN : natefisher lvl 87 in perandus add me please
IGN: Bubba_SoMuchSplosion

Hey All, Im looking for an active HC temp league guild to join up with. I used to be an officer in an about 80 person SC temp league guild but no one on there plays hard core so after coming back to it this league i am looking for an HC guild.

I have a couple lvl 90+ PSC characters. Just ripped my 88 blade vortex block necro (stupid perandus packs not having bodies). still have an 84 chaos conversion ice trapper but am taking a couple days off waiting for the two week reset.

Anyway looks like you have a good group and Im definitely interested in finding some experienced players on the HC side to play with.
Hey there, i would like to join your guild :)
IGN: Chilian

Would appreciate an Invite.

First League so far, I started a couple weeks ago.

Mapping is the reason I want to join a Guild mostly.

My Trapper is decent equipped.
Last edited by chr_sys on May 1, 2016, 5:16:49 PM

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