[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hi, I'd like to join the Guild if you have space.

Been playing 3 months or so, but decades of xp of similar games rightback to Ultima Online on Dial-up in the early 90s.

UK based, English speaker.

Currently in Legion Standard

IRL: Dave
IGN: Aginoth_Kalium (all my PCs start Aginoth...)

Hi, is there still some space in the guild?

IGN: SirGouda

I am an "experienced"** player mostly in the temp leagues and a few focused chars in the standard league (SC only).
Looking for adventures past solo-play.

** since beta, but only really active in the last 3 leagues
Hi, is there still some space in the guild?

IGN: sacstanxiang2

-I played the game from time to time from beta, mainly plays temp league and some races. I wasn't that successful on what I am doing, but the game is still enjoyable.
-I would definitely help new players and also needed help improving XD.
-I am studying in university rn so I might so inactive for a week or so time to time after the league start.

I play league and standard softcore. I play more for fun than for obtaining any goals.
Character currently playing is FrostyGeo
I play almost every night from 10:00pm to approximately 1:00am
I live in Texas. Like trying out new content, but also like standard stuff too.
Ign: Juntaki
Lvl: 92
Class: Necro
Server: SC Blight
IGN: Kryterion (NetworkRanger)

I'm playing since 2013 so I know the game a lot. I'm seeking for a guild which can help with challenges (mutually).
IGN: X3Btel
Current char: TowerSlayer
Server: Blight

I only play temp leagues. I try to be active the whole league. But it gets lonelly playing alone soo looking for a guild.
IGN: If_at_first_you_dont

Been playing on and off for around 2 years now. I usually switch between SC - HC depending on league mechanics and the group im with. Whole guild 30+ members are offline, it's dead so with that it's time to move on and here I am. TIA
Ign: Zija_Blight
Class: Necro
Server: SC Blight
I've been playing since 2013.

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