[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

looking for active guild in europe - russia
playing about 3 years / can do any voice-chats / utc + 2 /online minimum is 5 hours per day / language: ukrainian russian english + a little bit polland
now playing harbinger softcore
IGN; stikmatory
Last edited by vadimXionov#4766 on Aug 26, 2017, 4:15:48 AM
Just recently subbed on Youtube and currently use your cyclone build. Can I get the guild invite to become full Lighty fanboy?

Last edited by Tankerness#3789 on Aug 26, 2017, 10:18:59 AM
hi i am hopeing to join my ign is DoomGodz
I'm a returning player, played for a couple of weeks a few years ago. Now I'm back with the 3.0 patch and having lots of fun in Softcore league. I have a Scorching ray Necromancer and a Dark Pact Berserker to do maps with (both level 75ish), though I'm progressing quite slowly to the higher tier maps due to insufficient gear.

IGN: Orionic
Accidental double post :(
Last edited by Synestesiaz#2225 on Aug 26, 2017, 10:58:20 AM
IGN: BuddhaBunny

Looking for a group of people to generally lurk around with moments of sociableness. :)
Buddha Bunny
Account name: firenovix
I Mostly play standard but am interested in Leagues just this time around I had no interests in Harbinger League it was not very appealing compared to Legacy which is when I started playing PoE. Highest lvl is 91 and I'm currently experimenting with a GC mine build. Would love to join an active guild, thanks :)
IGN CycIops

Hi, Im pretty new to the game and although I managed to hit lvl 90 with my 1st (successfull per say) character Im still lacking lots lots of experience to merely understand the core techniques/strategies of the game/gameplay

I would like to be a part of a community because lets face it playing alone isnt fun at all, and I would like to have a mentor or something to get to know the game itself better.

Im playing everyday except for when I m away from my town, thus no access to internet :-)
Stay sane Exile!
IGN: realdoggerIRL
been playing for a year-ish, active (almost) every day, fan of HC, SSF at start of league until I rip.

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