[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hi, Can I join your this big family @@
Hey, I'm a an old-timer from 1.0 and I usually focus on temp leagues and 2-week races, with a bit of a hobby of collecting niche items in standard.

Usually I don't play in every league, but when I do, I no-life them quite a fair bit :D

I'm looking for buddies for the new league since my old guild kinda went out of business :/

Our moto is "be chill and dont be a total dick".

Sounds perfect. I'm only 75% dick.


IGN: ALegitimateBusinessman
Last edited by hscorpio on Jul 29, 2017, 3:03:27 PM
IGN: Slayrotz
I am fairly new to this game, but an old time Diablo 2 and 3 gamer.
I looked at your information about this guild, and i just have to say that it is interesting to see how much time you put into this.
I would love to be a part of this and help out growing!
IGN: Hemaglobin

I was previously a member but got kicked due to inactivity but am returning for the launch of 3.0

Great guild, lots of fun and useful advice and would love to rejoin.
IGN: Istnolu

I am interested in joining the guild, although I have never been in one. Only have ever been a solo Legacy player. Character level is 64, in Act 4 in Cruel mode now. Been playing for the last couple of months.
IGN: DarcyVader

I have been play POE for two years now, but haven't joined a guild yet. Looking for one to play 3.0 with.
Would like to join, but wont bug you right now because your busy enough collecting div cards lul
IGN: elfalumfa
IGN: EsperMagic
I play mostly in temp leagues or just fiddle around with random builds once leagues die. Really looking for a guild to be able to socialize in game but not in global chat.
ign:MIJNENVEGERtje age: 35 location; the netherlands std player

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