Soulthirst Signature Race
I agree. I don't see benefit from this mod at all. If it was removed from this race, I wouldn't even notice. Rare monsters I encountered were often totally not worth spending time on them (life mod, summoners with deadly auras, etc.), or there were no monsters nearby to grant souls. It was generally loss of time except that one rare which trapped me in Submerged Passage so I had to kill it anyway. I can't say anything about Act 3 though, as I ended in Nothern Forest.
Also, am I blind or there was nothing like buff icon to see how much time remains before the buff ends? i only saw an icon showing how many souls I gained. I hope it will be somehow changed to either a longer/stronger buff or maybe conditions of getting it, or what lPeeps said; it would be a pity to waste such a cool idea. |
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" the buff only tracked stacks, not duration |
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Our new objectives with the signature races are to keep them as close to vanilla as possible, whilst still having a thematic or interesting mechanic. We were unhappy with the affect the mods had on the signature race for the Emberwake season and after noting the feedback for that season we are being cautious as to not repeat that.
This mechanic shouldn't have a large impact on most players experience (or monsters) nor should the mechanic interact with randomness in a way that would give some players large advantages or disadvantages (even if rarely). We also want to be careful with the amount of extra stats we give players so that playing the regular game doesn't feel too slow in comparison after a race. The Soul Eater mechanic that we have introduced for Soulthirst was intentionally set to a length such that it would be unreliable especially through earlier acts of the game where rare monsters are scarce and even then would only have a slight benefit in certain scenarios. This is also the reason we went the other way with the newly introduced Headhunter race (which we highly encourage you participate in) where you can become immensely powerful even early in the game. We didn't have the time to change the rules of Soul Eater itself specifically for this race and we chose to be cautious with the length of the buff allocated. We cannot make changes for this race season but depending on the feedback we will adjust for signature races in future seasons. As for the length of the race, it was chosen around the least performing class so that every class has the capability to get to Act 3 areas and make the choice as to which area benefits them the most dependent on the layouts. | |
" Then what is the point in even having the mods exist. It literally doesnt affect the gameplay at all right now and emberwake the same exact thing, you say you are disappointed with it, yet this mod is nearly the same thing. You can get to 20-30 stacks and actually feel the buff affecting you for about 1 cast and then its gone. I love the idea of the sig, but i just think the execution is wrong. Why not make it a buff you have to work around, figure out the best way to use it ect? Seems much better than it having no impact at all. |
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"Stop being afraid to introduce crazy shit, just do it! Do you think that everyone will quit the game after playing this sig and will just wait for next signature, because its so fast and amaizing? They wont. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
" Well there is nothing interesting about soulthirst since it is practically useless before warehouse. As for comparing emberwake dmg buffed monsters + awakening release monster buffs to useless soulthirst or even bloodgrip it is not very relevant. Just because they're both mods and can affect gameplay they are still lightyears away from each other. You should rather compare soulthirst to bloodgrip and emberwake to another season where monsters were buffed instead of players (season4 turbo sig for example). It is definitely not too late to change this signature race slightly, compared to results of having another extremely "plain" modded season. Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Nov 6, 2015, 8:31:25 AM
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i appreciate Neon coming in and leaving feedback, nice to see GGG responding to race discussions.
as is, the race is just vanilla for me, which is apparently what is intended. ive said it before the problem with emberwake wasnt the damage, but the stun, which obviously results from damage but i dont think the formula has been reworked since 2.0 monster damage increase to compensate for that increase. i dont think the souleater effect will change perceptions of game speed when switching from racing to normal game, so i would consider it making it slightly more relevant, because to be honest i didnt even attempt to formulate a strategy in regards to the buff in the sig race. -HeaT |
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" ![]() Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Nov 6, 2015, 2:58:42 PM
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i lost my shit when i saw that flower HAHAHAHAHA
jani is the best <3 -HeaT |
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" That's why racing sucks. You literally know only 2 types of racing. No mod or 1 boring mod or BLAMT. What about BAMT? Better start races with several mods at the same time as the basic stuff. You said you won't run overlapping races anymore because people did both and the participation was low but look at the participation nowdays. The majority of racers don't even bother to do races anymore. I would rather do a race without rewards and interesting mods than doing some stupid vanillaesque race that makes me fall asleep. |
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