The next season failed before it even started or how GGG invents/ignores feedback.

Dead characters are fully eligible for prize points in this and future race seasons. This means you can push ahead without having to worry about losing your standing if you die. In higher difficulty levels, you still lose experience when you die.

Irrelevant in normal races so it only affects Descent and Descent Champions. Only results in demis to Zombies.


While the special races in this season are mostly Descent races, there are some Endless Ledge (including some Burst races) and Descent: Champions races, due to popular demand.

There is literally no evidence of that. Players that post here only 1/10 says he likes those modes. Some of those also have 0 points for several seasons.

This is obviously made up to put no effort in the shedule and just cycle DC/EL and Descent how it worked like Season 7 or 8.

In the Endless Ledge, the second and third areas now also use a restricted set of monsters that don't include Act Four monsters. There's now a ramp up towards dangerous monsters by the time you hit the fourth area.

Again a massive failure. People didn't like Act 3 mobs in the first zones to begin with.

Getting frozen by Undyings and having Dischargers oneshotting you, Stun and Chill locks caused by other Act 3 mobs, getting stunned by a charger just to see 10 devourers emerge and kill you.
That's how the first areas commonly looked like.
Puncture + Vulnerability.

BLAMT races have returned this season. We are considering running a 24 hour BLAMT boss-kill race with high point rewards for bosses that are unreasonable to kill with those mods ;)

Because BLAMT is so popular...
Did the last BLAMT race even reached 200 participants?
By changing the boss room layout and skills this became pointless.
Even if it became BLAMT party people would just rush several level 1 Rangers as sacrifical pawns to take trigger the slam and other attacks.

The only way blamt would be a valid mode would be to reduce the damage modifiers to 35% or 25%

In addition to not having Rogue Exiles or Masters, Signature races no longer have Strongboxes, Tormented Spirits, Bloodlines Mods or Nemesis Mods. Signature races no longer give points for side objectives, like full-clearing zones or being the first to complete quest objectives. They're entirely about racing.

So GGG doesn't read feedback again. The biggest problems weren't strongboxes dropping rares or flasks. The biggest problem were Acceleration Shrines or damaging shrines yieling a lot of experience in a zone.

In future seasons, we will be moving towards an asynchronous race-of-the-day system where solo non-signature races can be played at any time of the day.

You know it will result in something like boof to boof34 and others farming Top20 ranks?

We will also continue to add new race types over time. The team have some awesome ideas.

Nope they don't since Season 4.

We're looking at changing the levels of resistance rings in the game in general so that the Sapphire Ring is more easily obtainable before Merveil. Early game bows are also being worked on.

What's to look there? Level 9 Res Rings(without reducing the resist I know you think about something like that and introduce new rings for higher levels with like 30-38 resists!), Kaltenhalt needs level 11.

Remember when Kaltenhalt was an unique that could be used to defeat merv?
Better change the Vaal Lightning or Vaal Slam to Colddamage since Kaltenhalt is closer to Vaal than Merv now.

This kind of high quality post is the reason why i suggested you to become valued poster. as always thx for feedback hilbert.

Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Oct 27, 2015, 8:32:24 AM
In the Endless Ledge, the second and third areas now also use a restricted set of monsters that don't include Act Four monsters. There's now a ramp up towards dangerous monsters by the time you hit the fourth area."

so i didnt read this as it was exclusive to act4 monsters, there's a ramp up towards dangerous monsters, which means it extends to any monster that is dangerous (dischargers etc). maybe GGG can clarify.

"The biggest problems weren't strongboxes dropping rares or flasks. The biggest problem were Acceleration Shrines or damaging shrines yieling a lot of experience in a zone."

the problem with boxes were not rares or flasks it was the 3 magic pack RNG factor. i would like to see shrines and corrupted zones removed. i feel removing the nemesis mod was unnecessary, i mean was there a huge disadvantage/advantage if you ran into a nemesis rare?

There is literally no evidence of that. Players that post here only 1/10 says he likes those modes. Some of those also have 0 points for several seasons.

i think chris mentioned when they crunch numbers participation rate spike in those race types so maybe they equate it to demand. i personally love endless ledge, and descent.

It reads 2nd and 3rd area use a limited set of monsters, that(the set) don't include A4 monsters.

They only read feedback on the first EL when A4 monsters were new. Synergizing Puncture, chill/curse, Discharge+FP, Stunlocks knocking you out or heavily slowing your down aren't included.

the problem with boxes were not rares or flasks it was the 3 magic pack RNG factor. i would like to see shrines and corrupted zones removed. i feel removing the nemesis mod was unnecessary, i mean was there a huge disadvantage/advantage if you ran into a nemesis rare?

The tiny chance to get inner treasure and receive a strong unique.
3 strongbox packs were only relevant in short races.
Getting a chemist strongbox and having 3-4 QS essentially allowed you to skip almost empty zones.

i think chris mentioned when they crunch numbers participation rate spike in those race types so maybe they equate it to demand. i personally love endless ledge, and descent.

This is quiet stupid to use spikes.
It's more like basic rates got less popular and DC yields far more points for the ilvl100 item.

It's not like people get burned out of racing. The race seasons are the same boring races every time with deteriorating rewards.

Especially since the Void league races cover several characters per account.

Hilbert wrote:

The tiny chance to get inner treasure and receive a strong unique.
3 strongbox packs were only relevant in short races.
Getting a chemist strongbox and having 3-4 QS essentially allowed you to skip almost empty zones.

i dont think inner treasure is enough to warrant a complete removal of nemesis mods. especially when shrines have way more of an impact than the off chance of inner treasure.

3 magic packs is relevant in ANY race where you get to x section and farm that zone regardless of time imo.

Last edited by HeaT1#1508 on Oct 27, 2015, 1:08:44 PM
This nemesis mod is the only 1 with positive side effects.

I don't see a problem there who comes first serves first and strongboxes might make you lose.
...Says the guy who hasn't raced since Season Nine. =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
If Hilbert really had valued poster, it just shows how woefully out of touch the people who moderate these boards are.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Morsexier wrote:
If Hilbert really had valued poster, it just shows how woefully out of touch the people who moderate these boards are.

Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Oct 28, 2015, 5:58:04 AM
janimauk wrote:

"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."

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