[PVP] This is the end... My only friend, the end [PVP]
Hello Friends,
Der1ved's PofE PVP could improve race season experience for every player from top tier to bottom. It would create two new pvp dynamics for race seasons and hardcore/softcore being beneficial to even the hardcore/softcore veteran players who do not play every new race. Hc/sc tournaments during race seasons for pvp should even give these leagues more life while new content is fresh as pvp itself consumes only a fraction of the time as endgame or new hero grinding. New Structure _Der1ved's PVP is added to every existing and future league. _Ques into brackets 20-29, 30-39, … 90-100; in a new season when 100 players reach the next level bracket pvp for that bracket becomes active. _Possible new game modes which are similar to Alterac Valley except with much smaller parties. In this game mode individual players or small parties race to kill a neutral or allied boss and also have the option to attack the other party attempting to carry out an identical objective. _Running away excessively can be discouraged by arena effects such-as doedre's ground curses, shrinking arena, powerful shrines, etc... Draws could be prevented all together by sending all players to a shrinking arena (outside area becomes fatal and grows) which ends the fight in sudden death. If a draw still occurs after the sudden death match both players are executed and given a loss. Benefits to Current Structure _Hc/Sc pvp is full of low level twinks and high level end game heroes. _New race seasons give incentive for players to take a break from PVE and test their luck in the arena. _Over 99.99% of players who compete in races have blown their chances to win within the first 48hours. Der1ved's PVP system creates mini pvp tournaments for every level bracket above twenty. _Having to PVE for items in a new season makes it more difficult to build a hero for PVP at the start of a race season creating an additional component to competition during a new challenge league. Features with Explanation _Two sets of tournaments one at the beginning of a challenge league and one at the end (for every level bracket excluding 90-100 which contains the main pvp tournament). The first set of tournaments would encompass approximately 35% of the leagues entire duration with the second tournament mirroring the first. The purpose of two tournaments is to allow for the full range of PVP experience as the first tournament would be ultimately decided by the strongest build for each bracket while the second set of tournaments will contain twinks. Players can choose any bracket to twink a hero for the second round of fights with worthwhile rewards or high value currency (exalted) being given to the winners. _Exp gained for pvp at a cumulatively increasing ratio for winning versus losing matches; level 20-29 1:1 ratio about 30-50 matches to level 7-11 levels win or lose. At 30-39 that ratio increases to 2:1 exp gained for a win making it 30-50 fights for 7-11 levels if you win every match and 60-100 fights if you lose every match... the ratio continues to increase … 40-49 [3:1 ratio]; 50-59[4:1 ratio]; 60-69[5:1 ratio]; 70:79[6:1 ratio]; 80-89[7:1 ratio]; 90-100[8:1 ratio] The amount of fights per level would have to be scaled some as well for higher levels. _The Duel ParLAY! This new dueling feature (make an NPC name it after me), allows players to wager currency on a duel. During tournament round-robin finals matches players can sit in the audience and place bets on the competitors. There are minimum and maximum betting amounts, odds and other measures taken to prevent the abuse of this feature. Tournament ideas & rewards _There is one feature of Der1ved's tournament system which is mandated or you may face copyright lawsuits for choosing to use any of der1ved's PVP system features in your PofE game. All finals matches where a winner is decided end in real death for the loser and are played in a single round open arena about the size of a 3 boxing rings. Over time the arena becomes fatal if you stand in the outside edge of the arena effectively shrinking the size of the arena as the fight goes on. It is possible for both players to die in a finals match. [players must submit name, address, social security number and preferred means of death before entering the finals match to insure that real death does in-fact occur. Suicide is not an acceptable form of real-death]. _Since certain death is assured during the finals matches (all brackets finals result in real death, you must be 18 years or older and submit physical address/social security number) the rewards are greatly increased. The final match of the top bracket during the end of the season should be a very, very unique item, perhaps one of a kind or the choice of a legendary item of old or multiple items of great value or a mirror.... Strategy The most successful strategy would be to build your hero to have minimal counters. Win/Loss ratio to determine the top 10 who fight round robin or something like that... [win/loss ratio] based on a minimum of 25 fights, for example &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ Der1ved's PofE PVP is woven into the very fabric of the game as it now stands. There is no need for hero balances because of the dynamic nature of PofE skill trees and the structure of a tournament with only top-tier rewards. WoW built their arena around mediocre ratings and I personally found it very difficult to find players even interested in competing above the highest rating for gear upgrades. The immaturity of that community with its incessant balances made it even less likely that anyone you found capable of playing at the highest level of arena would be even willing to do something that has not been proven to work in the past. My stance on PofE is a popular one, GGG has improved on every aspect of a failed trilogy release. Why not succeed where that very notable company, Blizzard, failed and bring PVP to the world of action RPG? It can be done without optimization, reduce spell effect graphics for pvp and other tweaks who knows maybe you could add 10v10 battlegrounds down the road... I know one thing for sure though, I've only been on this a few months, I was disappointed with the pvp from day1 and I know that when BF5 comes out I will never look back if this game has the same sad PVP system. How long do you expect players to continue grinding an RPG for characters they never play or hardly do anything with besides commit suicide? Give the level 100's a reason to not kill themselves at the end of every challenge league... Last bumped on Oct 18, 2016, 1:01:30 PM
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I would prefer if GGG used their limited resources on improving and adding to the actual game, so no thanks. To me, every resource spent on PvP is time wasted.
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" I'm agree that PvP regarding actual PoE shouldn't be a priority and should have never been, the demand at her higher point was still ultra low comparing to others features asked, it has just been badly analysed. Back to OP i'm not really convinced by the changes you are asking here but some ideas could be interesting at all it can't be worse than what PvP is atm :) Hf :)
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_Having to PVE for items in a new season makes it more difficult to build a hero for PVP at the start of a race season creating an additional component to competition during a new challenge league.
By having two tournaments in a new race season one at the beginning and one at the end of a season players are alotted the full range of PVP experience. ..In the beginning of a race season PVP is at its most unique as no one has a item twinked hero ..As the season goes on there is a second tournament for the bottom third of the leagues time structure which players who have lost a race have time to gear for. I see this PVP structure being most beneficial to the short 1month league in that it gives players a reason to create multiple heroes after getting into maps on a main, to twink and compete in multiple pvp brackets. For long leagues this gives level 100 players a tournament where they can fight other players to the death instead of suiciding their heroes or keep their level 100 to play it in hardcore/softcore. The value of regrets would greatly increase. I wanted to reiterate these ideas. Also it's worth mentioning again that with a proper ladder designed tournament there is no need to have the game perfectly balanced. With 100's (or 1000's) of possible hero builds there is assuredly a counter for everyone. Since it only matters who comes out on top or the top 10 then why would you balance anything? |
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sorry to be that guy again: nobody cares
this is an economy simulator with monster slaying component. if you want a 'competetive' game - there are several competetive games where players skill matters. poe is random based and wealth gated. it will never have pvp worth mentioning - no matter how many times youll paste your wall of texts around here. these change nothing - nobody cares about pvp (except some guys that build their self-esteem because they can spawn-rape noobs) |
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You are "that guy" and what you're voicing is the hurdle that Grinding Gear Games should jump.
"No-one cares about pvp" This is actually a selling point thank you for bringing that up. Since the community in PoE is already sizable and the draw has been the pve challenges then a stimulating pvp as I describe in my wall of text which blends perfectly with the games existing race system would have a profound impact. $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% Der1ved's pvp system takes into account twinks and lists it that as an advantage both to the standard/hardcore leagues as well as new race seasons. Having tournaments start as soon as 100 players enter the level bracket would allow for those players who cannot compete in the long distance race to have something else which is unique to the start of every race season. For most of the first pvp tournaments every race season there will be no twinks, it ends about 1/3 of the way through the season. The second tournament each season would take place during the latter 1/3'rd of the season. PofE's strength is its 1v1 arena right now so it can be built for that to create an initial draw to test how the PVP community feels about it (I don't just mean pofe pvp community but those who would be interested in pofe if it had a pvp system like I imagined). By having only rewards given to the top players that finish each level bracket it eliminates the need to balance skills as long as every hero can be countered by another build. This would make PofE's arena system unique, different from wow and having the finals matches fought to the death would give a huge boost to twitch, could possibly even sell tickets. |
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tbh i think what made d2 pvp system great was the hostile system it wasn't really about doing
hurr durr tourny style hurr durr 1v1 bruh it was using your twink lvl 30 and fighting off other lvl 30's doing quest or them also getting rushed by a lvl 70 or something and fighting em all so many charge paladin memories "pffft lvl 30 hostile us w/e wait till he gets here" as you sneak into baal throne room and pick em off but yeah this new system or current system sorry i just dont care Last edited by Pepock#6039 on Oct 17, 2015, 3:24:47 AM
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PVP isn't a main portion of the game but it could be a fun addition.
The main reason I say could be is that currently PVP is one shot city. If you're not one shotting the opponent, chances are high they're one shotting you. There's little to no skill involved here. The amounts of damage players can do compared to their health pools leaves no room for meaningful strategies so it's all a bad joke at the moment. |
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" D2 had the saddest pvp gameplay and it had no pvp system. The only 'pvp system' diablo 2 had was a bug which allowed players to macro hostile and go into town after launching ranged attacks, killing players instantly from town ... ... a bug which still exists today because it's the only thing d2 pvp had going for it *********************************************************************************************** I started playing diablo 1 as my first online game when I was 8 years old running AOL internet, I'm 27 now. I got on half-life when it first came out in stores. I started playing CS when I was 12 and winning counter-strike LAN tournaments at 13. I've played many years of CS competitively but have played strategy games suchas red alert/starcraft/warcraft since I was a pre-teen. I also have played enough DOTA to play it competitively though I have not ever done that. I also played wow for several years mostly only for the PVP. *********************************************************************************************** Players such as this guy who said and I quote 'what made d2 pvp system great,' he really said that, players such as this guy know absolutely nothing about what a competitive game is regarding player versus player. The reason that my pvp threads get the comments that it does is because PofE has not attracted many true PVP players like myself. What is a 'true pvp' player? I've been playing PofE since the start of tempest. I've had about 10 lvl 75's and have played many builds. My current hero in this new race season is 81 saving for Mjol 6.4k hp 17k lightning strike 20k armour (I dont use a quit macro) ... I have not been playing nearly as much as when I first started the game. a 'true pvp' player is never going to want to compete in the level 100 races because skill is so greatly eclipsed by knowledge of the game and time dedicated to it (attributes of an rpg). Please, if you do not have a history of playing a game with a true pvp system like DOTA to a competitive degree do not embaress what PofE could be by saying stupid shit like 'what made d2 pvp great...' really? |
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